Chapter Three

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Kagome blinked as she looked at blue eyes before looking down. Something about the way he was now looking at her made her feel uneasy.

He gave her a small smile, before he looked her in they eyes again, or tried too, "I am going to help you swim up out of here, try not to move your fin and let me do the swimming..." he paused for a moment, "Trust me alright."

Kagome nodded and took the hand that he had now offered her. She took a breath as she felt her body being lifted to full height before he quickly swam out of the well, pulling her with him. As they exited the well, Kagome saw on the wood that was covered in moss and other sea life.

The merman moved away once she was safely seated on the old wood, before backing up away from her.

"Thank you." Kagome muttered, giving him a genuine smile and held back a laugh as his cheeks softly dusted with red.

"It isn't a" He gave her a bashful look for not asking for her name sooner. She only grinned at this before she offered her name.

"Kagome...My name is Kagome." She paused, she already assumed his name was Arel, but for the sake of manners, "...and yours?"

He blinked as if not expecting this questions, "...Arel..."

She flashed him a beaming smile, "Well, Arel, Thank you for getting me out of there..." She didn't really know what else to say...and thankfully she didn't have to say anything more as they were interrupted.

"Arel! Arel! I got the seaweed" the blue and yellow fish came swimming towards them, holding blue seaweed. Something Kagome had never seen before. Then again they were probably deep in the ocean so there could be things that humans have never seen before.

Arel grinned and took the plant from his friend, "Thank you Flounder." He turned back to Kagome who flashed her a smile before moving to her fin.

"This will help. It just needs to stay on for an hour or two...then all fixed!" He gently wrapped the seaweed around her fin. Kagome could tell he was being gentle and didn't want to hurt her by how careful he was applying the thin strips of blue plant.

"Thank you...again. I don't know what I would have done with your help..." Kagome glanced over at the fish, Flounder, then back at Arel, "Both of your help..."

The two grinned, "It wasn't a problem. It isn't everyday I get to save a beautiful mermaid." This caused a blush to come to Kagome's cheeks but didn't say anything more on the subject.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing all the way out here? It is rather far away from the cities." Arel inquired, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Kagome bit her lip, not knowing what to say, "...I'm a traveler. I don't stay in once place that long." Which was true. She really didn't have a home anymore. She kept going back to Feudal era, even though she knew there was nothing there for her there. There was nothing for her in her time either...not since her family died. Kagome was an orphan and had no home in either era. Inuyasha and her friends all had their own lives, and where there for her but she felt like she interrupted them from their lives sometimes.

A pang of guilt and longing went through her.

"That is rare...How long have you been doing that..have you seen a lot? Is it fun. "Arel fired off a couple questions. He never left Atlantica and wished he could at times, but he loved his home too much to leave.

Kagome laughed, "I have been doing so for's hard to keep track..." She paused taking a breath, "It can be fun at times, and when you travel you see a lot no matter where you are." She didn't say though, no matter how much one travels one always will crave to go 'home' one day. Kagome no longer had a home so the want to have a permanent place was always there.

"Sounds like an interesting life."

Kagome nodded, "It is." It wasn't the best life, but it was interesting. Nothing was the same, but sometimes she wished for a routine.

"Have you made it to Atlantica then?" Arel questioned, a spark coming into his eyes as he thought of ways he could spend some time with this blue eyes mermaid that just seemed to glow with innocence.

She shook her head, "Not yet, I hadn't made it that far before hurting my fin." She didn't make it that far from the well where she hurt her fin, so it wasn't that much of a lie.

"Great! Flounder and I can show you around then!" A big grin was on Arel's face as Flounder nodded his head.

"You don't have to do that! I am fine with waiting for the seaweed to fix my find and just moving on." she wanted to find her way home, not go around getting to know the place she was stuck in. Even if Arel seemed like a nice...merman, she didn't belong in the ocean.

"Once the hour is done we can head out. It isn't any trouble!"

Kagome sighed, she had a feeling she wouldn't get out of getting a tour no matter what she said.

'This is going to be an interesting day'

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