Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kagome swam inside and saw Yvett talking to Vyline. She gave them both a wave as she swam towards them. The two had been talking in hushed voices but stopped when she approached. The two gave her smiles in greeting, but she saw how their eyes were watching her in amusement.

"What?" Kagome asked, a frown on her face as she looked between the two. Why were they acting so weird.

"I didn't know you were such a special guest." Yvett spoke up, eyes amused as she grinned at the younger woman.

Kagome frowned at this, she didn't understand what she meant, "What do you mean? I am just a traveler...nothing more." Well, she used to be a human, but they didn't need to know that.

"Your friend..."She motioned to outside, "The one who you were with...don't you know who he is." Yvett asked, disbelief in her voice. It was like she thought I was stupid to not know who Arel was.

"I still don't know what you are talking about..." Kagome frowned deepened, tilting her head to the side, "You mean Arel...why would I be a special guest because of him..." She really was confused and had no idea why Yvett was reacting like this.

Yvett had the look of shock on her face, Vyline tapped her on her shoulder and shook her head, making Kagome even more confused.

"Its fine. You can find it out from him...but how was your day out! Do you like Atlantic?" Vyline asked as she came around the front desk so she could talked to Kagome better.

"It was fun. I got to see a lot and it is very beautiful here." She would put why they were being so weird in the back of her mind for now. She could figure it out at a later time, for now she was content to make small talk.

"What did you do today? You were gone rather long today." Vyline inquired, curious what the two could have been doing all day. She had a small smile on her lips as she thought of the unlikely friendship. She had seen the Prince since he was young. Her husband had been a guard for years in the Palace. She had heard stories of how the Prince had chased any mermaid away.

Now that Kagome is here...things seem to be different. It seems the Prince of Atlantica was wanting to get to know the young traveler...and Kagome had no clue who he was. This was going to be fun. She would have to talk to Yvett and have her keep quiet about it. She wanted to see how long it took Kagome to figure out who Arel really was.

'The two would make a cure couple.' Vyline thought as an idea sparked into her mind, a smirk curling on her lips. She may try to play matchmaker. It would defiantly be fun way to pass the time.

"Arel took me to the music part of Atlantica...he also took me to get some items. I had lost my pack before I arrived here. I had had a bit of bad luck, which resulted in the two of us meeting." A slime flickered on her face as she thought of Arel who wouldn't leave he alone at the bottom of the well.

"Oh?" Yvett raised an eyebrow, curious on how the two met. The two didn't run in the same social circles so it had to be an interesting meeting.

"I had run into trouble loosing my belongings and ended hurt at the bottom of a small well outside of Atlantica. Arel and his friend, Flounder, found me and helped me." Kagome smiled at Vyline, " He was the one who brought me here. I had planned on staying outside of Atlantica cause I lost my money and belongings...I didn't know there was a place for travelers here." She trailed off, not wanting to say too much. She didn't want to give too much away on how little she knows about the working under the sea.

Both woman had wide eyed looks, glancing at her fine then back at her face, "Are you alright now? Is your fin still bothering you?" Vyline put in, worry on her face as she looked Kagome over.

Kagome blinked at that reaction. A hurt fin must be a big deal down here. Kagome shook her head, "I am fine now. I had blue kelp put on it right away. I had rest periods today too...I didn't swim the whole day...I feel fine!" She gavea bigger smile as she saw the relieved looks on their face.

"Good." Yvett muttered as she did another glance down at Kagome's tail fin to make sure nothing was out of place.

"He did you a big favor helping you then." Yvett told Kagome who nodded. Arel didn't have to help her, she was thankful he did, but he could have left her at the bottom of the well. She probably would be more lost than she was now, but she would have survived...most likely.

"He has seemed to stick around even after helping me." Kagome laughed, shaking her head. She didn't know why he found her interesting enough to stick around. Kagome knew Midoriko hinted about the two of them, but she didn't know if she was ready for that. For now he was just a friend. She held her heart close to her chest and wasn't ready to let anyone get that close.

She wanted to talk more to the older Miko to find out more. She would do that tonight, after she did some chores for Vyline. She was staying here and needed to do the work so she wasn't a freeloader.

"Well, you are a pretty mermaid...and a kind one from what I have seen." Vyline spoke up, a grin on her face. She would definitely be having a conversation with her husband and Yvett about the two merfolk. The two would make a cute couple and she needed reinforcements to push the two together.

Kagome blushed, but didn't say anything. She glanced away from the older mermaid who just laughed at her reaction.

"Why don't you go put your bag away and you can help prep for dinner." Vyline told the girl, putting her out of her misery. Kagome nodded, and gave a quick wave to the two as she headed to her room.

Today had been rather interesting..and it wasn't even over with. She had a feeling dinner was going to be a very...enlightening.

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