Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kagome swam back outside and saw that Arel was waiting for her, she gave him a smile as she swam over to him, "I'm ready to go. Did you send the messenger fish already? Where are we going?"

She was curious about what kind of person his sister was, he spoke fondly of his family so she knew that it wouldn't be too bad of a meeting. Or so she hoped. She could deal with bitchy sisters if she had to but it would be nice if they could end up as friends.

Arel laughed, grabbing her hand into his as he led them away from the in, "Yes. She is meeting us at a nice restaurant that is known for their desserts." He gave her a cheeky grin when mentioning this, having remembered Kagome mentioned she liked sweets. His grin soon turned into a warm smile as Kagome closed her hand around his tighter as she swam next to him.

"I love sweets but I haven't had a lot of different kinds. I usually only had simple things.."Kagome told him. Which was true. She hadn't had a lot of desserts that were from under the sea. She was curious about what other kinds of treats they had. She had been slowly getting used to the food here. It wasn't like the food was really warm or cooked, being under the water like they are. She was thankful she grew up eating sushi, but she missed eating rice and warm cooked meat.

"Great, you will like this place then...." He paused, before giving a tired smile, "Also...if you get uncomfortable and want to leave at any time, that is fine. We can leave and go on the outing we had planned for today." He really hoped his sister didn't end up scaring her away.

Kagome gave a light laugh, "I should be fine, don't worry so much." She didn't think anything an overprotective sister could do to her compared to the demons she had fought over the years.

Arel still wasn't one hundred percent sure this meeting was a good idea, but he knew he would need his sister's help on escaping the new guests that were going to be arriving. He had no want to be around who his father was trying to push towards him.

He tightened his hand around Kagome's before they turned into a long enclave and stopped when they got to a light green building, made of what looked like clay and coral. On the sign in bold letters made out of different kinds of shells that spelled out, 'Seashells On The Seashore.' Kagome blinked at the name, remembering a nursery rhyme with those words in it. She shook her head as she was pulled inside.

The small place had seatings everywhere and the lights that came from bigger glowing rocks made the room feel calm and homey. He pulled her over to a corner seat, away from what could have prying eyes if anyone else came in. There was only one mermaid sitting by the front with her nose in a book, not paying attention to anyone else.

"We can wait for her to arrive, she shouldn't be too long since she was waiting for a message from me." Arel softly spoke as he glanced to the door then back at Kagome who gave a nod in understanding.

Kagome gave Arel a soft smile, she could tell he was nervous about his sister meeting her so she would try to make conversation while they waited. She could see how well she could distract him, " I get any hints on what adventure you are pulling me on today?"

Arel laughed, shaking his head, "No. Where is the fun in that! I want it to be a surprise." He wasn't taking her on a huge adventure for the first time, but something that he hoped she enjoyed. 

Kagome gave a small huff, "No hints at all? You are being very secretive. It isn't going to be anything too dangerous that I should be worried about not having a weapon right?" She smiled as she teased him. She had heard more than one story where they had gotten in too deep in his adventures with Flounder....they had to improvise since Arel doesn't usually carry a weapon on him. Things usually worked out for him....Kagome thought he must have something looking out for him to be so lucky.

Giving her a small hum as his eyes sparked when she teased him. He didn't have many besides family who would talk to him like this, "Oh, maybe we should get one just in case. I don't want you to be scared the whole time we are exploring.."

Kagome laughed, "It would take a lot to scare me. I have seen a lot and become a bit immune to some things." Totally true, but she didn't know what dangerous things that lurked in the ocean. She would probably learn, but as of right now she had no clue. 

"That may be true, but I will be sure to be there to protect you." He grinned seeing red creeping up on her cheeks at his words.

Kagome tapped her fingers on the table, a nervous habit as she gave him a look, "So you want to be my knight or protector then."

Arel leaned forward and took one of her hands that was leaning on the table, bringing it to his lips to give it a kiss, his eyes burning with amusement as he locked eyes with Kagome, "....or something more..."

Kagome blushed at this as he let her hand go, she had a feeling what he meant by more. She didn't know what she wanted yet. He was kind and handsome, but she didn't know enough about him to make the decision as of yet.

 "But don't worry. For our first adventure, I made sure it isn't something too dangerous." Arel grinned, seeing her still have a blush on her cheeks. He would have to up his game on wooing her, since she seemed to either be ignoring some of his other comments or not noticing them at all.

"I am looking forward to it. I do wonder though what dangerous adventures you have been on and why." Kagome laughed when she saw a sheepish look come to his face.

"I don't usually go looking for danger...."He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, "Though....danger sometimes finds me without me even trying."

Kagome held back a laugh seeing the sheepish look, she had a feeling today's adventure could go two ways. Either a calm adventure or one that ended up with them fighting something or swimming away from something. She would have to keep her guard up. She hadn't really tried to use much of her powers since she arrived, but this adventure may end up with her trying them. 

Kagome saw him about to say something else when she heard a voice call out his name. Both of them turned to see a mermaid with blond hair that was pulled out of her face, with some framing her face. She wore red shells and a red tail that matched them.

Arel gave a small smile, "Arista...." Kagome assumed this was his sister as she took the woman in more.

Her blue eyes looked right into Kagome's own and could see that the woman was definitely holding back as she grinned widely at Kagome.

"It is really nice to meet you." Kagome gave a small smile, worry going through her on how she said that.

She hoped this meeting didn't end badly....

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