Chapter Sixteen

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Sebastian wasn't one for eavesdropping but when he had heard Arel talking to his sister and mentioned a girl...he couldn't help himself.

Arel wasn't a merman to just like a random girl if he had his father would have had him engaged by now. That is why he listened in on the conversation. If Arel actually liked a girl, it mean one of two things, that someone was trying to go after Arel so they could have the throne through marriage or...Arel finally found someone.

He was hoping for it to be the second one. If Arel finally found someone, than it would be one less burden King Triton had to worry about...and himself.

Sebastian had decided he would followed Arel the next day, he wanted to get information about the girl so he could report back to the King. They had set up plenty of meet and greets with other girls in the kingdom, sadly nothing has worked...this girl could be it.

That is how he, Sebastian, ended up stalking the Prince of Atlantica. It was for his own good. This girl could be a blessing if she wasn't a gold digger or after the crown like some of the other girls had been.

What Sebastian wasn't expecting was to get caught. He was now under the chilling glare of Arel.

The Prince of Atlantic wasn't happy at all.

"What are you doing here Sebastian" Arel glared, making Sebastian shrink back in fear. Arel may not show it...but he had a temper, he just preferred not to show it.

Sebastian gave a nervous chuckle, "Well, see, your-" He was cut off from finishing when Arel put his hand over the crab, preventing him from speaking.

Arel glanced at the mermaid, who was looking at the two in interest, "I'll be right back, Kagome...I just need to talk to my...friend."

The mermaid, Kagome, nodded as she watched Arel move further away until they weren't in hearing distance.
"...Now tell me why you are here..." Arel asked again, eyes boring into the small crab, making Sebastian shiver in fear.

"As I said, your majesty,... I overheard you with your sister and only wanted to make sure that the girl..." He paused seeing the look the Prince was giving him.

"No excuses..." Arel muttered, "I don't want this getting out. Kagome...she doesn't know who I am and I want to keep it that way..." He paused seeing the uncertain look on Sebastian's face, "...she is a traveler...she doesn't stay in one place long.."

Arel gave him a little information, "She is nice and doesn't know I am Prince..I want to keep it that way. I want someone to like me for me...Kagome is spending time with me because she wanted to...not because I am next in line for the crown."

Sebastian winced at those words, he knew Arel had a hard time because of his status. He could understand wanting to keep the girl, Kagome, to himself.

"I understand..." Sebastian said slowly, "Though, your father, will find out eventually. I don't wanna be lie'n to him..."

Arel nodded, he knew Sebastian wasn't one to keep secrets from his Father, "Just keep it to yourself for now...I don't want anyone else to find out...alright?"

Sebastian nodded, he just hoped everything worked out for the Prince...because he had a bad feeling about keeping it a secret...a really bad feeling.

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