Chapter Ten

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Kagome stood in a field, she recognized it, this was close to the well. Turning around she could see the wood from the ground and gave a small smile.

The well had been everything to her, it was what connected her to the past and her family for so long.

As she stepped closer to the well, she stopped as she felt something. Glancing around she saw a figure standing there watching her. She looked familiar to her.

The figure moved closer to her, slowly walking towards her, as if not trying to spook her. As it got closer Kagome couldn't help but stare at the woman...

She knew why she recognized her now, it was from the cave in Sango's village...and when she finished putting the jewel together... "Midoriko.." Kagome breathed in bewilderment. She didn't understand why she was here.

"Hello Kagome" Midoriko greeted warmly. She had a feeling this talk would be rather interesting from the look Kagome was giving her, "You are doing well I hope."

Kagome frowned putting things together slowly, "...that is debatable..." She paused glancing at the Miko before continuing, "...the well...acted weird and now I am part fish..and am under the" she trailed off, not knowing how to word how she was faring being a creature that lived in the sea.

Midoriko looked at the young woman, " is I who...tampered with the well in the first place." She knew by the shocked look the woman had on her face the rest of their talk would be filled with questions.

Kagome looked at the woman curiosity and confusion filling her, "Why? I don't understand. Why send me there?!"

Midoriko sighed, "To help you find be happy again..." She knew the woman wasn't happy, not truly. She was content where she was in life...that was it. Not truly happy. She never experienced love that consumed you. Love that made you blush madly and make a fool of herself, to put herself out there fully to a person and have them catch her...she wanted Kagome to have that. Love that is pure and all consuming.

Kagome asked one word again, "Why?"

She didn't understand...she was happy with Inuyasha and the rest. Sure, she wasn't filled with happiness, but she loved her friends and that is all she needed.

Kagome didn't need to have her happily ever after with some love. Not when love could hurt so much. She learned that watching Inuyasha, Kikyo and Naraku...and she never wanted to go through something like that.

To be so vulnerable to let someone be able to hurt you that bad...she didn't think she could do that. She had tried with Inuyasha...but she ended up only friends with him. She had gone through enough hurt trying to be more to him...and in the end things ended up with them as just friends.

Kagome was fine with this.

She really was...but...

Her thoughts trailed off as she glanced at the woman who gave her a small smile, "You gave up so much completing the Shikon no went through a lot too...and grew into a beautiful woman before me now...and it is because of this why I was able to help you..."

Kagome didn't say anything, just frowned as she let the woman continue talking.

"...I sent you somewhere that you could have a new life...have adventure and find someone who could take care of you instead of you taking care of everyone else. You need to let others into your have become somewhat jaded about falling in love yourself..."

Kagome couldn't deny her claim, for she had become jaded about falling in love herself. She loved helping others find their love...but for her to find love...she didn't know if she wanted that kind of love.

"I want you to open your heart again...learn about your new home. The world your could be apart of. You may not be fully human there...but you could find your happiness."

Midoriko gave the woman another smile, as she moved forward gently placing her hand on the young womans cheek, "find the happiness everyone around you have embraced." with the said the creator of the cursed jewel started to fade away.

"WAIT! I still have questions! Please don't go!" Kagome cried out, she wanted more answers. She didn't understand everything yet.

She needed more answers!

As the Miko faded away, she spoke, "Just be yourself and everything will be fine. I will see your again, but you are waking up." She smiled looking at the distraught girl before her, "Love isn't something you should run away from. As I said...embrace it!"

Kagome could only stare at the fading Priestess...and then...she woke up...

Kagome slowly opened her eyes, the dream still in her head. She had some answers on how she got here now...but...she didn't know if she liked the answers she had received.

Rolling over on the bed she sighed and closed her eyes again. She needed to think...she didn't know if she wanted to avoid Arel or not now. If Midoriko said she sent her to find true love...than...Arel found her first...that could mean he was the one she was talking about.

Grounding she put her face into her pillow, it was too early to be thinking of complicated things like this. She rolled her head so one eye could clace out from the pillow to see the watery sky out her was still dark.
She had time to think...or maybe get some more sleep.

Kagome didn't know what to do. Fighting is something she could make healing potions she could do...fall in love...well...that is something she didn't want to do...though...It seems like the world was against her on this face...well..the world had another thing coming if they thought she would fall in love with pretty words and gifts.

Yes...Arel would definitely have his hands full if he wanted the newly transformed mermaid as his own.

He would have A LOT to do to make her his, and he would find that out the hard way.

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