Chapter Five

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Flounder had known Arel most of his life, they had become friends while they were rather young and stuck to one another ever since...and in all the time of knowing the Prince of Atlantica, he had never seen him act like this.

His friends was smitten.

Something he never thought he would see. He always snubbed the other mermaids that came to the Kingdom to try to become his bride...though he didn't blame him. Most of the girls that came through were horrible and didn't care at all for Arel. They only cared about his looks and where he was on the social ladder.

That is one reason he was somewhat wary by the girl he had found in the well. Sure, she seemed nice but he didn't want anything bad to happen to Arel.

Flounder didn't want his friend to fall for this mermaid and it turns out she was faking the whole time. That is why he stayed silent most of the time and watched as the two reacted to one another.

So far, Flounder did like the mermaid. She smiled a lot and seemed to like teasing Arel and Arel was there teasing right back. The look in Arel's eyes told him everything he needed to know about his intentions with the girl.

He was going to be getting to know her and he had a feeling that this girl might be the one to capture his heart.

Flounder had a feeling all his sisters were going to have a couple of seahorses when they figured out he showed an interest in love.

A small smirk came to Flounders face, what would be even better is when his Father found out. He probably would try to have them married the same day he found out. He would be happy that his son showed some interest in the opposite sex.

Flounder had a feeling that soon these two would be the center of all the gossip in Atlantica, if not all the seven seas. 


King Triton gave a sigh as he looked over all the documents he had on his table. He picked up one of them to see a picture of a young mermaid and some information on the said mermaid.

"He still hasn't chosen anyone out of all these!" He grumbled as he put the paper back down and sighed.

"He just needs a little push in the right direction, sire." a red crab informed as he moved and looked at the paper he just had, "They are all beautiful mermaids, he just needs a push in picking someone."

Triton gave another sighed, he didn't want to force his son to pick someone but Arel was the heir to Atlantica and the Seven Seas...he was expected to have a betrothed by now. He was lucky if Arel even glanced at any of the mermaids  when they are here, to have him pick a betrothed. A groan escaped his lips as he felt a headache start to form.

"Sebastian...You remember what happened the last time someone tried to get him to pick one of the mermaids..." Triton sighed, as he thought of the mess that happened with the pranking in the castle to all of the young mermaids.

Sebastian clicked his claw shut with a wince when he remembered that day. It has been a disaster, the sisters had been in on some of the pranking too. They gave Arel alibis so he couldn't get in trouble, even if everyone who knew Arel, knew it was him.

"Ah...that desister..." That is the only way one could describe that day. It had been one of the most stressful days in the palace for a long time.

"Maybe in a couple of years he will become more interested..." Sebastian trailed off, not really believing what he was saying. Arel was a free spirit and didn't take orders very well, and he also didn't want an arranged marriage...and so far he was getting his way on that.

"You and I both know that he won't agree to any of the girls that come wanting marriage will be turned away...the only way for him to agree to marriage was to fall in love..." Triton sighed running a hand over his face, his age was starting to show, "Arel is just as strong minded as his mother...I just hope that he falls in love soon...if not I don't know what to do..."

What they didn't know their prayers were getting answered, as a blue eyed mermaid had caught the attention of the Prince, and they didn't even know it.

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