•~Secret Lover?~•

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Requested by: Duckyssss
I Do NOT Ship These Characters IRL, And ONLY Minecraft Persona!!

>Bbh (Obv)
>Dadza (Appearance)
>Dream, Gogy, SappyNappy
>Skeppy + Big Q

DreamTeam + Simp Duo knows that Bad is dating someone, but who is that someone? Well, u already read the title :]
They decide to follow him to see and they were not expecting who with.
•~Third Person POV~•
Bad and Techno have been dating for about 3 weeks. It's about fucking time he asks Bad out on a date.



"Hey Techno!" "Hey Bad, what'cha doing?" "Nothing much, just laying in bed. What're you doing?" "Eh, same. But I wanted to ask you something." "What is it Tech?" Just from listening to his boyfriend's voice, he was already slightly flushed.

"I.. uh.. wanted to ask if you... wanted to go on a date?" Bad was shocked for a quick second at the sudden date request, but he couldn't resist. "Of course, I'll go on a date! About time you asked me!" Both of them chuckled at the fact. "Alright, pick you up tomorrow morning?" "Sounds good Tech!" "See ya tomorrow Bad." "See ya Tech!" They end the call and Techno is ecstatic.

Phil caught notice of Techno's ecstasy and asked, "Hey mate, what got you all excited?" "Gonna finally take Bad on a date tomorrow!" "Have fun then!"

While Techno was getting ready, Bad told the Dream Team, Skeppy, and Quackity all about his date. What they didn't know was the person he was going on a date with. "Where are you having your date today," George asked. "We were headed to the *** Coffee Shoppe, then to hang at the beach and park, and finally to the *** movie theatre." "Wow, well enjoy your date Bad!" "Thanks guys! See ya, I still have to finish getting ready!" All of them responded and Bad left the call. Once he left, everyone else stayed, planning. "We should follow them." A little shocking hearing that right out the blue but, they were considering it. "Won't they see us though?" When George asked the obvious, Skeppy, who initially gave the following idea, responded.

"They won't see if we're sneaky enough 😉." Sapnap, who sees Bad as a brother states, "Finally a good idea from Skeppy!" "Hey!" "So, are we all clear?" "Yes!!" And so, their plan was set. Follow Bad.



"Coming!" Bad rushed to open the door. "Hey, Tech!" "Hey, ready to go?" Bad happily nodded.

Bad and Techno were enjoying their time together, chatting along and enjoying their coffee unknowingly being watched. "He went on a date with Technoblade?!" Quackity shockingly whispered to the group. And it looks like everyone else was shocked as well. "Well, that's a surprise." Dream calmly whispered to everyone. "How are you so calm?!" George yelled just enough for the watch group to hear.

"I mean, I was shocked, but.." Dream explained but cut himself off.

•~Dream's POV~•
"Look they're leaving!" I hear Skeppy shout, however just enough for us to hear. We pay for the drinks, which were amazing by the way, and headed off to the next place on Bad and Techno's little date.

It was around afternoon time and from the looks of the group, they were exhausted. "How much longer?! I just wanna go back to bed!!" I hear George complain. "Shut up George, you're not the only one who's tired." Oh lord, here come the complaints. "Alright, before things get out of hand now, why don't we get some food and finish our job." I wanted to at least calm down the tension since we haven't really eaten anything at all.

We finished eating and by the look of the time, Bad and Techno should be at the park, probably walking around. On the topic of Bad and Techno's date, I was honestly shocked about the fact that THE BadBoyHalo was dating the person everyone calls, "The Blood God," Technoblade.

While I was swimming through my thoughts, I get interrupted, "Yo! Earth to Dream!" "Huh?" "Dude, let's finish our job!" "Oh.. right." Is it wrong to follow your friend around? I have to stop contemplating about this and get this over with. Once we got to the park, we spot the brown and pink haired duo just relaxing and laying in the grass.

In all honesty, I haven't seen either one of them so calm before.. Bad is always busy doing things and NEVER sleeps, and Techno is always training. Guess you see something new everyday right?

•~Techno's POV~•
Bad and I were just relaxing at the park, laying in the grass when I hear Bad say something. "Hey Tech, have you ever gotten the feeling of someone watching or following us today?" I was slightly shocked about the sudden question but to be real, I did get a slight anxious thought that someone WAS watching us however, brushed it off as nothing.

"I did earlier I guess, but I thought it was nothing. Why do you ask?" Bad was cautiously looking around while speaking. "Cause I just have that feeling.. But maybe it's nothing!" He mumbled half of it but I understood what he said. "Anywho~ I liked today so far Tech." "Hey, me too Bad. I'm surprised you took your hood off today." Bad grew a shade of pastel pink on his charcoal skin. "I didn't think you'd notice." He was completely embarrassed about keeping his hood off.

"Don't be embarrassed Bad, I like it." "Thanks Tech!" I notice Bad slowly calm down from his embarrassed outbreak. "I'm glad you finally asked me for a date Tech." Heh. "In all honesty, Phil was the same way." From that one comment, Bad started to quietly giggle, which was fucking adorable as hell. I know before I was terrified of him, but I quite enjoy his company and I'm glad I'm dating this demon.

"Let's head to the movies now, the movie's gonna start soon." Bad quickly jumped up and stretched. "Hehe." We head to my car and drive off with Bad jamming to the music playing.

•~Third Person POV~•
Once Bad and Techno got to the theatre, they sat in their seats waiting for the lights to go out. They were chatting it up until the movie started. They were having a comforting time in the theatre, just them 2 together, with no one interfering, at least from what they know, with Bad hugging Techno's arm throughout the whole movie.

Dream was feeling extremely off now. He didn't know if following his friend was worth it anymore. "Hey guys, I'm gonna head out." "What why?!" They all shouted loud enough. "Guys, I'm regretting this decision so I'm just gonna head home." "Alright I guess." "Cya guys." And then there were 4.

"I loved that movie!!" Bad was ecstatic while walking to Techno's car. "Ready to get home?" Techno asked Bad. "Maybe, but I would love to hang with you longer Tech." According to Bad, he loves to hang out with Techno even if it's just for a second. "We can hang out tomorrow alright Bad?" Techno asked for approval and of course Bad agreed to it.

"Now let's take you home." Bad giggled at the comment.

"Here we are, have a good night Bad. I'll see you tomorrow right?" Bad smiles and states, "Yup! Good night Tech!" Bad gave a quick smooch on Techno's cheek, unlocked his door and went inside, but not without yelling, "Bye Tech!!" Heh, how did I deserve that demon of kindness.
•~Authour's Note~•
Heyo! Authour~kun here! Hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot!! I'm extremely sorry that it took longer than expected to be published but I've just been busy with school, YT, other chapters for a different book, and personal reasons. Anywho~ I love the support and I love y'all! Good day/afternoon/evening! <3
1336 Words Total

Started: 31/01/2022
Finished: 09/02/2022

•~Tag Rankings~•
#220 on platonic
#172 on bbh

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