•~Our Way Out~•

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Requested By: N/A
I Do NOT Ship These Characters IRL And ONLY Minecraft Persona!!

>Language Muffin 😇🧁
>Smiley Boi💚🙂
>Super Halo Bros🤜🤛
>Shitty Father🙄🥱🖕

Suggested By: N/A
Inspired By: Our Way Out - Nico Collins
(Royal AU)
Bad is the prince of the kingdom, Badlands with his brothers, GoodBoyHalo and EggBoyHalo being first in line. The king, Mr. Halo, doesn't approve of any relationships that involve Bad, especially homosexual relations. His best friend and thief, Dream, always comes in the middle of the night to visit Bad, since he would never be able to go inside the castle willingly. They fall in love with each other, however, they need to find a way to escape the grasp of Mr. Halo, the father.
•~Third Person POV~•
BadBoyHalo, the demon prince stuck living with his homophobic father and overprotective brothers. He was sitting in his room, just sketching random things that he sees. "Bad! Get down here right now!!" He flinched at the loud noise. Even though he's used to his name being screamed out, it still scared him. However, he didn't want his father to get even angrier with him, so he went downstairs.

"What do you need father?" Mr. Halo was definitely not having his slight harsh tone, "Don't talk to your father like that. But I need to talk to you about relationships." Bad was confused, "What do you mean?" His father continued, "What I mean is that I don't want you having ANY relationships, even friendships." Bad was shocked and pissed with what his father told him. "Why can't I have friends?!" "Because they get in the way, and if you're ever going to become king of the Badlands, you can't have distractions!!" "So Good and Egg can have friends, but I can't?!" Good and Egg were listening to this whole argument, just thinking how hard Bad had it in the family.

"It's because they don't get distracted with anything unlike you. Maybe if you weren't so soft and kind around people, then you wouldn't get so distracted with anything." Bad was getting extremely irritated, "So just because I'm nice, I can't talk to other people..?" "You just aren't ready for it, you need to get colder, then I might be able to let you have some." In all honesty, even though Good and Egg were cold, they loved their brother and it hurt to see him like this. They were also angry at their father for this. They know how kind Bad is, maybe sometimes soft, but most of the time, he just pretends to be all soft and cute. The only time where he's soft is when he talks to his brothers.

"God, why did I have to have a soft, pathetic son like you?" Mr. Halo then walked away. Bad was just standing there in shock and despair. Tears started to flow out his eyes slowly, "Pathetic..?" Bad just couldn't control the salty tears that were running down his cheek. Good and Egg immediately ran towards their brother, hugging him tightly. "Shh.. We're here Bad.." "Why..?" Good and Egg were puzzled for a second, "What do you mean..?" "Why doesn't father love me like he does you guys?!" The older males were shocked at Bad's sudden outburst, but they understood why it happened.

Their father was always harsh on his children, but he was harsher on Bad. No one knew the reason, but he was. So they could understand why Bad was so upset. He's been trying to get on their father's good side for years, but it has never happened and it might never happen. "C'mon, let's get you to bed," Egg says to Bad. Bad nods his head from Good's chest. "Alright." Bad grabs onto Good's hand and they all walk towards his room. Bad gets into bed with Egg tucking Bad in. "I can get into bed by myself!!" Egg just lifted his shoulders, "Heh, goodnight Bad." Bad chuckled, "Goodnight Good, Egg.!"

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