
450 13 8

Requested By: Someoneyouknow6
I Do NOT Ship These Characters IRL And ONLY Minecraft Persona!!

>Language Muffin 😇🧁
>Goat Man 🐏
>Bird Dad 🦚
>Blood For The Blood God 🩸🩸🐷👑
>TNT Whore 🧨
>Traumatized Child 💿😰

Suggested By: Someoneyouknow6
Inspired By: Someoneyouknow6
(BadBoyHalo Minecraft AU)
*May change some things from the OG prompt but it still matches!! :)*

•~Plot~•Suggested By: Someoneyouknow6Inspired By: Someoneyouknow6(BadBoyHalo Minecraft AU)*May change some things from the OG prompt but it still matches!! :)*

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•~Third Person POV~•
"So.. Did you find the target?" Schlatt nodded while smoking a cigarette, "Why do I get this mission again?" The boss sighs, "Because we need information on that family. More specifically that stupid crow, Philza Minecraft." Schlatt was puzzled, "What do you mean by that?" "Listen. No more asking unimportant questions. Just get the job done and I'll pay you extra for this week. BUT you have to get it done."

Schlatt just rolled his eyes, "Whatever, just give me the damn files." So the boss gave him the files on Philza which showed his medical record, full name, birthday, hobbies, and family life. It also included "This is everything I need right?" "Yes, now I would run along. You don't have all day y'know. You only have three months for this."

Schlatt was bamboozled, 'Three months?!' Schlatt kept a poker face for the boss, but inside he was freaking out. "Alright." And with that Schlatt left the office. Schlatt was walking home swimming through his thoughts. He was trying to figure out different ways to plan this. However, he couldn't think of anything right now.

•~Schlatt's POV~•
I walked into my apartment which was filled with empty beer bottles, with the sweet stench of smoke. "God, I need to clean.. Whatever." I sit down on my dirty ass couch and look down at the manila folder in my hand, "Let's see what info there is in here."

I open the folder and see a picture of who I'm assuming is Philza Minecraft. His birthday is March 01, 1988, and he has four children. 'Eh, seems just like an ordinary father I guess,' I think to myself. I flip through and I see his medical record, "Why the fuck do I need his medical information?" He was (Any Blood Type) and was a crow hybrid. There wasn't anything interesting about this guy.

"The boss must be fucking kidding me.. Why do I have to spy on a stupid father that doesn't seem to have done anything wrong?" As I kept flipping through, I saw the records of his family, first starting with the oldest, Technoblade. 'Where have I heard that name before?'

•~Third Person POV~•
(Yes I got lazy writing in first person TwT)
Then it hit him. Technoblade, the anarchist, known for destroying governments with his own two hands and all he needs are a shield and axe. He's able to slaughter everyone that gets in his way of anarchy.

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