•~Imagination Anxiety~•

739 23 4

Requested By: N/A
I Do NOT Ship These Characters IRL, And ONLY Minecraft Persona!!

>Bee Duo
>Michael 🥺

Suggested By: Duckyssss
Bad and Techno are dating and Bad is now apart of the SBI. However, unbeknownst to everyone, Bad's imagination tells him a different story from actual reality.
•~Third Person POV~•
Bad and Techno have been dating for 8 months now and the SBI now treat Bad as their own. Bad has had anxiety problems in the past but his anxiety episodes haven't actually played since his high school years. But today, that was now going to change for the worst.

•~Bad's POV~•
I wake up to see a bright burning light from the window and a slight pinkish color. I knew that was Techno because of his bubblegum pink hair. I decided I was going to be productive today and make some breakfast for everyone. I grab my phone to look at the time and I see it's 8:00am. I try to get out of bed but get pulled right back down by Techno.

•~Third Person POV~•
"Tech~!! I need to make breakfast!!" "Hmm, no" Techno was being stubborn as always and kept Bad there. Once Techno fell back asleep, Bad wiggled his way out of the piglin's arms. He quietly walked downstairs and was greeted by Phil. "Morning mate." Bad quietly yawned and replied, "Morning!"

Bad and Phil talked for about an hour or so until Wilbur walked down and greeted them. They say their hellos and Wil goes to sit on the couch. 20 minutes past with Bad and Phil coming breakfast for everyone. Everything was calm and quiet with the slight sizzles from the kitchen until the child woke up. "Hey Bitches!!" Tommy yelled throughout the house. "Language!!" Bad yelled back, but something was different with his tone of the shout.

In his head, his mind was racing for no reason. The world around him warped right in front of his eyes. He tried not to think about it so much and went back to what he was doing. Him and Phil finished breakfast and all hell broke loose between Wilbur and Tommy.

They raced to the dining room and started fighting each other. While Phil was trying to keep them from killing each other, Techno comes walking down the steps. "Morning again Tech!" Techno responds with a groan and goes behind Bad, hugging his waist. Once Phil got the 2 idiots to calm down slightly, he saw that Techno was up and said, "Morning mate, you hungry?"

Techno sleepily nods toward Phil and let's go of Bad. Bad giggles and hands him a plate of breakfast. They all sat at the table and enjoyed the food. I think the breakfast made Tommy calmer since all he was doing was sitting on the couch looking through YouTube. That was until the Beeduo came.


"Coming!" Bad went to get the door and here comes Tubbo running in with Ranboo holding Michael, their platonic piglin child, apologizing for Tubbo rushing inside so suddenly. "It's fine Ranboo! Come in!" Bad let's Ranboo walk inside and Michael runs to Bad, hugging his leg.

"Hey bud, how are you?" Bad squats down to pick up Michael and Michael just laughs and giggles. Tommy and Tubbo ran into Tommy's room and Wil, Techno, and Ranboo were all talking. Phil probably went to his office to work on some things. Michael wanted to walk around the house so Bad accompanied him in doing that.

After Michael went on a house exploration, Bad took Michael outside to the backyard so he could run around. Couple hours passed and it was time for lunch. Bad grabbed Michael's hand and brought him inside. He went upstairs to get Tommy and Tubbo from his room.


No answer. "How odd," Bad thought to himself. Bad has never had a problem with Tommy answering the door because of Bad's special knocking. So he tried again..


Still no response. Bad was starting to get a little more anxious than he was this morning, but he wasn't sure why. He took his anxiety meds this morning, at least from what HE remembered, but he was still getting extremely anxious. However, he tried to tone down his worry and listened at the door. He did hear Tommy and Tubbo's voices there, but his mind was completely racing at this point.

"Are they ignoring me?"
"What did I do wrong?"

So many other thoughts were going through Bad's head at the time and he ran off downstairs. He was trying to calm himself down by thinking about other things but for some reason, the anxious thoughts won't stop coming back to the surface of his mind. When he went downstairs, he was slightly calmer, from what other people saw, and tried to go talk to Wil. For some reason, when he tried speaking to Wilbur, he wasn't answering him back.

Again his mind went straight to the worse. His mind racing faster and faster as he tried to constantly try to converse with the others but no matter how hard he tried, it seemed like everyone was ignoring him. His anxiety went through the roof and he just ran. Ran and ran and ran. It wasn't far, just behind a tree in the backyard. A tree that surprisingly no one has ever seen him run to, except today.

Once he got to the tree, he quickly covered himself with his giant signature coat and started panicking. His anxiety attack quickened extremely fast. His heart feeling like it's breaking his chest, his eyes creating a waterfall, and his trembling demonic body from his autophobia.

He couldn't breathe. It felt like he was choking on nothing but air. He didn't know what to do, or how to make it stop. All he knew was that if he didn't stop soon, he would be worrying everyone around him. He hated that, so he tried to keep everyone safe and happy.

He was still trembling with fear until he saw a small pinch of light come out from the bottom and pops in Michael's little ear. Michael noticed him run out into the backyard but was scared to go out alone, so he asked his father to take him out. Once Michael was covered in Bad's cloak, he hugged Bad's legs that were curled up in his arms.

Bad looks towards Michael and his mind slowly calms down, his heart rate settles at a normal state, and his emotions finish flooding out like a river. He slowly lets go of his legs to let Michael hug him. During Bad's anxiety attack, most of his thoughts went from Phil and the others to just Techno. Any other thoughts just got covered up with the thoughts that Techno never loved or cared about him in the first place.

All the thoughts led to Techno at the very end. So when Bad saw Michael, he thought of him as Techno, him actually caring about him. Techno coming to show him love and affection, to show his compassion towards him. At first, he didn't even realize it was Michael until his mind completely cleaned out.

"I wov u Bwad!" Bad's heart fluttered with glee with those words spoken by the small piglin.
•~Authour's Note~
Hey y'all! Hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot!! Soo extremely sorry that it came out late! A lot of shit happened over the past week or so, so I wasn't able to write it, plus some writer's block. However, I was determined to get it done! Again hope y'all enjoyed and have a good day/afternoon/evening! <3

1323 Words Total

Started: 15/02/2022
Finished: 21/02/2022

•~Tag Rankings~•
#266 on platonic
#240 on bbh
#6 on techhalo
#3 on georgehalo
#5 on soothalo
#5 on karlhalo

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