•~Imagination Anxiety~•

427 13 12

Requested By: Someoneyouknow6
I Do NOT Ship These Characters IRL And ONLY Minecraft Persona!!

>Language Muffin 😇🧁
>Blood For The Blood God 🩸🩸🐷👑
>SBI 🦚💿🧨
>Bee Duo 🐝🖤🤍
>Person 😰

Suggested By: Someoneyouknow6
Inspired By: N/A
Part 03 of Bad's Imagination

•~⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️~•This story contains the following:>Torture>Blood/Gore•~⚠️Reader's Discretion Advised⚠️~••~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~••~Third Person POV~•Techno woke up with a cold sweat

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•~⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️~•
This story contains the following:
•~⚠️Reader's Discretion Advised⚠️~•
•~Third Person POV~•
Techno woke up with a cold sweat. He felt the distress that Bad was feeling. Let's just say, he wasn't able to sleep for the rest of the night.

•~With Bad~•
Bad woke up to a loud ass bang in the room. The man walked down with a bottle of some sort. It was a big bottle to be sure, like some sort of detergent or something. The man got in front of Bad, "Hey~." The way that person said 'hey,' gave Bad the chills. Like major chills. Bad glanced down to what the man had in his hand, and it was bleach.

He was confused about why he would need bleach, but was too afraid to ask. The man grabbed Bad's face from the chin, "Oh Bad.. If only.. you never asked Techno out... Then U wouldn't have to do this to you.." Then Bad finally realized why there was bleach, and he lost it. He flailed his arms and legs as much as he can with the chains still on him. He tried twisting his head or closing his eyes, just so this wouldn't happen to him.

However, nothing worked. The man forced Bad's eyes opened and poured cups of bleach into Bad's eye sockets. Bad's pain filling screams filled the whole room, with the maniacal laughs of the kidnapper. Bad was crying with no salty tears falling out. He was screaming in pain with no sound coming out his throat. It was as if everything went silent for the demon. Once the man left, all Bad could do was lay on the floor, crying nonexistent tears and trying to fall asleep with the pain in his once bright emerald orbs.

•~With SBI~•
Ranboo and Wilbur went back to the police station to file in the missing person's report while everyone else went searching for Bad once again.

•~Wilbur's POV~•
Ranboo and I walk into the police station once again to file in that Bad was missing. "Hello, how may I help you folks?" I was still kinda pissed that we weren't able to file in this report yesterday, and I think Ranboo noticed so he answered the worker. "Hi, can we file in a missing person's report?" "Alright, what's the name?" Both Ranboo and I didn't know Bad's real name, even though we've known him for years! "Ummm.."

I decided to go outside and send a letter to Techno asking him what Bad's name was. Phil's crow came to me and I tied the note on his leg and told him to take it to Techno. Once he heard where to take the letter to, he soared off. I walked back inside the station and noticed Ranboo was having an argument with another person there.

"Why can't you just set up the report?!" "Sir, it needs to be past 24 hours." I walked over towards them, "It HAS been over 24 hours. Actually, it's been around 48 hours. You have no right now to not let us report this." The man was still frustrated but he complied anyways. I think he just didn't want to get fired.

Phil's crow came back with another note tied on his leg, so I went back out and read it, "His name is Darryl Noveschosch, but also tell them BadBoyHalo, since he doesn't really like being known as his real name." I walked back inside and told them the information to set up the case and they did.

Thank god.

•~Techno's POV~•
We've been walking around the forest for a couple hours now, finding absolutely nothing. I just sent Wil the note of the information he needs for the report. I realized the only places that we haven't looked at are the caves. "Guys, we haven't checked the caves yet." Phil nodded in agreement, "Techno, you know this forest right? Do you know where all the caves are around here?" I nod and I lead the way to the cave that I know is the closest.

We get to the entrance of the cave and already there's a different scent from the last time I came. I'm guessing Tubbo saw my expression 'cause he asked me, "Hey, you alright?" I nodded and turned back to the pitch-black cave. "Did anyone bring torches," I asked the group. Tommy yelled out, "I have some Big T!" I nodded, "Cool, but next time don't yell so loud." Tommy looked down for a second, then nodded.

He hands me the torches and we head inside. Already, the atmosphere seems tense. More tense than I've ever experienced in this cave. Something was definitely up. We made it to a two way split in the cave. "Should we split up?" I hear Tommy ask the group. "No you idiot. We don't know what would happen if we split up, plus it's a stupid idea."

Tommy puffed out his cheeks like a toddler. Funny. We decided on heading left, but the atmosphere felt calmer than earlier. It felt like an actual cave. "Let's turn around." "Why Techno?" I'm guessing they haven't figured out the usual atmosphere of a cave system yet.

"Haven't you guys noticed the change in the atmosphere?" Tubbo replies, "I did kinda feel a difference, but I thought it was nothing." "Look, I come to this cave a lot, and the atmosphere completely changed from the last time I was here. It felt depressing, scared to an extent." They seemed to understand what I was talking about and turned back around to the split.

Once we got there, we decided to go the way we didn't the first time, the right. And U was correct, the same tension was on this side just like the front of the cave. We kept walking through and the tension was just getting heavier and thicker. So much thicker that you could cut a piece out of it. Since it was kinda dark with a small light irradiating out of the torch, I noticed there was a pool of some type of liquid.

I went to have a closer look and saw that it was blood. A pool of blood just laying on the rocky floor. I started getting more worried than I already was. 'Please don't be what I think it is..' That's the only thing my mind is continuously repeating to me. Even the voices in my head were freaking out. They were getting worried, threatening to kill, and some were even crying.

I tried to block out the thoughts but it was ineffective. We finally reached the end of the cave route and the worst scene played out in front of us. Bad being kicked over and over and over again on every part of his body by a masked person. All I could hear were Bad's cries for help, the coughs of blood coming out of his throat, and the insane laughter coming from the man.

"What the FUCK did you do to Bad!" The masked man looked towards our group, "Well, well.. If it isn't Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, Tommyinnit, and Tubbo. What a lovely surprise!!" We instantly recognized the voice, "Dream..?"
•~Authour's Note~•
Well hello fellow peoples!! Another cliffhanger in this story >:D
Hope y'all suffered!! >:]
Love y'all and see y'all for the last part of the tetralogy!! <3
(Was gonna make it a trilogy, but decided to do a slight cliffhanger to create a tetralogy, which I just found out was a four story series.. U learn something new every day I guess :/)
1384 Words Total

Started: 25/03/2022
Finished: 03/04/2022

•~Tag Rankings~•
#677 on ships
#141 on sbi
#01 on soothalo
#712 on dsmp
#188 on platonic
#147 on bbh
#432 on badboyhalo
#58 on sleepybois
#15 on dadboyhalo
#07 on georgehalo
#46 on quackhalo
#45 on techhalo
#13 on karlhalo

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