Can I Come Over

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Barts POV

I hate school I wish I could just drop out! I thought to myself looking at my D grade on my Algebra test. I should have gone to Nelson for the cheat code too late now I guess. I stare out the window for the remainder of class ignoring what the teacher was saying even though she kept yelling at me to focus.

 I didn't care. Soon, the bell rang which meant it was time to go home. I was waiting for Dad to come to pick me up. Of course, I am 18 and can drive but why do that when I have a personal Chofer?

I look at my phone as I got a text from Homer. F*ck Homer can't pick me up. "shit" I whispered under my breath as I read Dad's text stating he had to stay late at work because Mr. Smithers caught him bowling with the sticks of radiation again with Carl and Lenny. 

I also couldn't go home either I was supposed to do something with dad since Lisa needed the house for girl stuff I think. And mom was at her book club at the Love Joy's house. I stuffed my phone back into my backpack angrily. I felt a hand touch my shoulder that felt familiar. "Sup Bart," a blue-haired boy asked with circular red glasses happy to see me. 

"Oh hey, Millhouse. I was wondering if I could come to your house for a bit Homer can't pick me up" I looked down at my feet rolling my eyes in annoyance. Stupid Homer I thought. "Yeah sure and hey my parents are at their weird sex counseling thing or whatever so we have the house to ourselves," He said excitedly. "First off thanks and second your parents need to know boundaries well... so do mine but still," I said laughing walking out of school with Millhouse.

Millhouse drove us to his house (Millhouse is also 18) He has his driver's license unlike me but I do drive on occasion illegally but no one has to know that. I turn to look at Millhouse paying careful attention to the road. Dork, I think to myself. Strangely though I've been finding myself staring at him a lot for a few months now and don't know why.

 Zoning out Millhouse says "Hey you good because if there's something wrong with my face wait- did Nelson write Dingus on my forehead again?!" he said frantically feeling his forehead. I snap out of it "Nah just zoned out my bad" I scratched the back of my head a bit flustered. We got out of the car and walked into Millhouse's house heading up to his bedroom.

Millhouses POV

Bart and I go to sit on my bed and he turns on the tv. I turn to look at him I never realized how much he look like Lisa maybe even better looking than her. No, I thought Lisa is my one true love nothing will change that. But he is so gorgeous and his blonde hair is magnificent. Unconsciously I start drewling over him I only realized when Bart said "Millhouse your drewling did you have another seizure" he asked somewhat jokingly. 

"Nothing" I shake my head and we both turn to face the tv in awkward silence. I finally brake it doing something incredibly stupid or as many people call it 'pulling a Millhouse'. "I just think you're hot."   

Simpsons:  Forever RomanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ