Prom Night

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No One's POV
Tonight was the night: prom. Lisa was finally convinced to go and she chose a to wear a dress similar to her mothers prom dress but switched from pink to orange. Nelson didn't make a big show of asking her which made her happy. She was admittedly happy to be attending prom with him. Marge helped curl her hair. She couldn't stop crying about her baby growing up. Maggie came into see her sister and she even cried a little."You look beautiful," Maggie said hugging her sister. Lisa was touched.
Meanwhile Homer was with Bart helping him prepare. While Marge had been lightly crying, Homer was bawling. Bart was very distraught at the sight of his father. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Bart asked. "My baby boy, you're so old which means I'm old!" Homer hugs Bart tightly. "Don't have a cow man," Bart says escaping from his fathers grasp. Homer pulled himself together. All that Bart needed to do was put on his tie. "Let me do your tie," Homer smiled. Bart willingly let his dad fix it. "Bart?" Homer began. "Hm?" "Have fun tonight, I just hope your prom is as special as mine was," he patted his son on his shoulder. Bart smiled and nodded.
"Hello?" Nelson hollered up stairs. He was wearing a black tux which was missing a tie. His hair was slicked back neatly. In his hand he held a lavender corsage. Lisa came down stairs. Nelson was enchanted by her beauty. He was speechless, no words came out when he opened his mouth. Lisa was followed by Bart, who was wearing a purple tuxedo. His hair was still the messy blonde curls he always had. He smiled down at Millhouse who was standing next to his sister and Nelson. Bart made his way to his boyfriend. He looked lovingly at Millhouse in his blue tux. "Happy prom night," Millhouse said sweetly handing Bart a white flower to put on his suit. Millhouse clipped it in.
"PICTURES," Marge shouted startling everyone. "My kids first," she said smiling. Maggie watched as Bart and Lisa posed for the picture. "Come on Maggie," Bart waved to his baby sister. Maggie's face lit up and she jumped into the photo. "Ok, got it!" Marge said happily. "Now the couples," Marge winked. Nelson wrapped his arms around Lisa's waist and she placed her hands on his. Bart and Millhouse held each others hand and scooted in close. They got a few cute pictures when Homer dove in photobombing. The group got a lot of funny ones like Millhouse lifting Bart like the scene in dirty dancing, one with the guys making faces. One of the funniest ones was were Lisa posed with her hand to Millhouses face as she kissed Nelson then Millhouses hand to Lisa's face as he kissed Bart.
After the photo shoot the group went into the limo Millhouses mom surprised him with. When they arrived at the school the steps had arrows directing them into the gym. The gym was decorated exactly like the prom dance in Grease. "Those Magic Changes" was playing in the background. The gym was packed full of students. Nelson took Lisa's hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked loving. "Yeah," Lisa giggled as they went to the dance floor. Bart looked at Millhouse he could tell something was upsetting him. "You okay?" Bart asked concerned. Millhouse nodded. "Let's dance," Bart said taking his boyfriend by the arm. Bart was secretly a very talented dancer. He actually loved dancing and ballet was one of his favorite dances but he stopped after people found out. "Vegas" started playing by Doja Cat. "Bart I can't dance to this," Millhouse said but Bart was out of site. He saw people circling around. He squeezed his way in to see what was happening. Bart was in the middle break dancing. Students cheered him on as well as teachers. Bart completed his dance by sliding into the splits then jumping up into a spin. Nelson high fived Bart. Everyone continued to dance again on their own. Bart walked over to Millhouse. "Show off," Millhouse coughed. "Ha you're just jealous," Bart teased.
They danced for an hour when Martin Prince, the schools student body president, came on stage. Everyone wanted Lisa to be the SBP but she was busy with community service which was a respectable alternative. "Everyone enjoying the prom?" Martin asked in an ugly green suit which he was obviously embarrassed wearing. The crowd cheered. "Good, well now is the time you've been waiting for the prom court!" Martin exclaimed. The gym went quiet. "First the prom jester, Sophie, The Clown!" He clapped as Sophie came into the stage. She groaned. She didn't like being in her fathers shadow but everyone knew that so it was an inevitable conclusion. "Prom Queen, Sherry Mackleberry!" He held the crown up. The students clapped for her. Lisa rolled her eyes, she didn't want it but she hated that Sherry was still so popular after the horrible things she had done. "Last but certainly not least our prom king, Bart Simpson." The crowd cheered but Barts face went white. He looked at Millhouse in hopes of rescue. "Go!" Millhouse said happily. "You won," he said giving Bart the okay. But Bart didn't want to but he was stuck. He begrudgingly headed for the stage. "Now the royal dance!" Martin clapped. The spotlight fell on Sherry and Bart. "I told you you'd be back," Sherry said. Bart scoffed. "I'm not back and we are not a thing," Bart whispered angrily. "Stop denying it we have chemistry," Sherry purred. Bart felt disgusted. Whatever feelings he harbored for her were long gone. "Keep dreaming," Bart huffed. Sherry frowned but then smiled keeping up the pretense. Bart looked at the surrounding crowd. Millhouse was no where to be seen...

Millhouse's POV
I clapped for Bart as he made his way to the stage. I didn't really want him to but I knew he would be upset if I told him that. I faked a smile. "Hey Millhouse good for Bart," Principal Skinner says to me. "Oh uh yeah." I sigh. "Can I speak with you for a moment about graduation?" He asked. Well, Bart's distracted so now is a good time. I nod. We head out into the school hall. "I hear you've been accepted into the military school," Skinner said happily. "Yeah." "I think this is an amazing opportunity for you," Skinner said confidently. "I'm happy to see your potential isn't going to waste," Skinner laughed. "I just wanted to commend you on your bravery, as you know I was in the military myself," Skinner remarked...

No One's POV
The royal court dance was over and Bart couldn't have left faster. He looked for Millhouse. He walked up to Nelson and Lisa in search of him. "Skinner is talking to him in the hall I think," Lisa said. "Thanks," Bart said leaving the gym. He heard the principal and his boyfriends voices in the hall. "It's intimidating," Millhouse admitted. Bart stopped and decided to eavesdrop against his better judgement. "But I know I'm making the right decision. It's just all the time away from everyone that makes it hard," Millhouse breathed. Bart listened confused. "What are they talking about?" Bart whispered to himself. "I know it was hard but you make friends, besides military school will be a great why to find your path in life." Military school?! Bart's head started spinning. "Good luck Millhouse," Skinner said patting Millhouse on the back. "Thanks," Millhouse said half heartedly.
"What the hell?" Bart walks up in clear pain. "Bart!" Millhouse held his chest startled by his boyfriends sudden appearance. "Military school?" Bart shouted. "I- wait you were listening into my conversation," Millhouse crossed his arms. Bart ignored him. "How long and why didn't you tell me," Bart yelled. Millhouse hung his head. "I didn't know how to tell you," he stated. "Why? Were you afraid I'd stop you or say no?" Bart questioned. "It wasn't that. I'm going and that's not changing I just didn't want this to be the end!" Millhouse yelled back. Bart took a step back. "Why would you say that?" Bart asked more hurt than angry. "I don't want this to end. I was worried you were gonna leave because you don't want to wait," Millhouse reasoned. "Maybe talk to me and find out!" Bart retorted. Millhouse nodded. "I know I should have been honest," Millhouse admitted looking guilty. Bart sighed. "Well at least you'll come back to a graduate of Springfield University," he smiled. Millhouse looked up. "You got in!?" He hugged Bart. "I found out just today!" Bart laughed. "Full scholarship too," Bart bragged. "Gonna major in creative art and minor in digital art design," he stated proudly. "This ends when we want it to and I don't," Bart said seriously. "Me neither," Millhouse kissed Bart. "Now let's get back out there," Millhouse said happily. Bart whacked Millhouse on his head. "Too slow," and he ran into the gym as his boyfriend chased after him.

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