Coming Out Son to Father

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No One's POV

Bart hugged his father strongly. "I I messed up so bad" he cried into Homer's white polo shirt soaking it in his tears. "What happened son" Homer asked concerned. This was his chance to prove how much he loved his son and how he would do anything for him. 

Homer nodded his head over to Bart's bedroom so they could talk. Bart sat down on the edge of the bed and Homer plunged right next to him. "Is it a girl?" Homer asked wiping a tear from his son's face. 

Bart sunk. He was worried what his father would say maybe he should wait until Marge came home. "Not not exactly" Bart chocked. He didn't want to tell him but he had to tell someone. Millhouse was right it was time. Millhouse seemed to be right a lot. Bart was so worried he lost his love.

Homer just leaned in not wanting to say anything that could shut Bart away. "It's about Mill-Millhouse" Bart tried settling himself. "Oh boy you know best friends fight. You and the Vanhoutan kid are tight it'll be fine" Homer made his best effort. "I I" Bart tried to say it but he was afraid. Homer wasn't classically known as Gay friendly. Though he was excepting now and a little gay himself.

Homer searched his sons eyes until Bart hung his head low. "I lure hurm" was what Bart managed to say with his hands guarding his face. "What" Homer asked gently. "I Lum hin" Bart  tried again. "I'm sorry Bart I can't hear you" Homer frowned. Bart took a deep breathe and shouted loudly, unintentionally, but clear so Homer heard: "I LOVE HIM!" 

Bart began crying again but softer than before. Homer sat there. Homer wasn't the smartest but he understood the kind of love Bart meant; the kind of love he has for Marge.

He sat there. He knew this was delicate. Bart was fragile right now. He wasn't used to this and was unsure of how to handle the situation. He was also not used to quote on quote fathering. 

Homer finally decided to break the silence. He sighed and brought Bart into another hug. "You were embarrassed weren't you" Bart looked into his fathers eyes. "How how did you know" Bart asked wiping the tears from his eyes. "It's in the eyes boy. Plus I've seen that same exact look in your mother's eyes" Homer chuckled to himself. "WE all say things we don't mean. I know I've said a ton of stuff that I didn't mean or even know what I'm saying."

Bart felt this weird feeling now sitting next to his dad. He could see pain but love. Even in rough times as these Bart couldn't help but mentally insult his fathers intelligence. However, these words were helpful.

"So what'd you say?" Homer asked brushing Bart's shoulder with his elbow. Bart sighs. "I told him that he was soft and he I didn't need to be saved he did. It was worser than that" Bart said knowing Lisa would scold him for his improper grammar; luckily for him, Homer was there and thinks to, too, and two all mean the same thing. 

"You know I had an argument sort of like that with your mother. She was pregnant with you at the time" Bart perked up. "Wait really?" "Oh yeah" Homer frowned. "Well what'd you do" Bart asked inquisitively. 

"I told her the truth. I was insecure I mean I guess. After many years I've learned not to lie well not really but it turns out bad. Lisa kind of helps in that you know" Homer scratched his head sheepishly. 

Bart realized he related to his father more than just blood. He felt loved. "Apologize. He'll forgive you" Homer stated. "How do you know?" Bart asked. "Because Marge and Millhouse both have blue hair" Homer joked.

Bart half laughed his worry for the future prevented a full laugh. "Because you love him" Homer smiles. Bart returns it. 

"Hi diddly ho neighbor-e-no's. Couldn't help but over hear your conversation. You do know Bart you could just Pray the gay away. Fix all your problems right up" Ned popped his head out the window. 

"Shut the hell up stupid Flander's. Go swim in some unholy water" Homer blew a raspberry at Ned and shut the window. Bart looked at his father proudly. He hugged Homer again. "Thank you Dad." "I love you boy you know that don't you" "Yeah; I do" Bart smiled. Homer placed a kiss on Bart's head. 

"Now go to him and fix things. I need to walk the dog." Bart nodded. He was too focused on his boyfriend to realize Homer's sudden change in responsibility. I'm going to fix this Bart thought to himself as he biked to the Vanhoutan house. 

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