Janey's Revenge

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Warning: Homophobia

Janey's POV

I whispered the plan into Terry's ear. "We print these out all over the school with Lisa's signature and Bart's stating got you Millhouse." I smile knowing Terry can copy any signature just by looking at it and lucky for us she already knew both Lisa's and Bart's signature. 

Terry took my phone and marked the photo's with the signatures. We quickly hurried to the student printer. Terry made dozens and dozens of copies. We spread them throughout the school. This was a totally original plan... definitely not copying the Mean Girls movie. 

The school was now covered in the photos. Terry and I smiled and admired our work. We got to class about twenty minutes late. We both got detention but it would so be worth it destroying Bart and Lisa!

The bell rang dismissing us. We had a surprise school assembly. Oh my God this couldn't be more perfect! Let the chaos begin. 

Lisa's POV

I started gathering my stuff and Janey walked up to me in class. "Hey Janey did you do it?" I asked smiling. "No I got too nervous. I just got to do it at lunch I guess" Janey sighs. "Ok, wanna walk to the assembly together?" I ask her. "Sure."

We left the class. Photos everywhere and students began picking them up. "What the fuck is that Bart and Millhouse" a student shouted. I look at Janey seeing kids go nuts. One kid walked up to me. "I didn't know you had it in you" they said. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "Being mean" they handed me a piece of paper and walked away. On the back it said: Lisa and Bart, Got you Millhouse. 

I looked at Janey but she looked just as confused as me. Everyone else around e was looking at the photos too. I turned the photo to see my brother and Millhouse... kissing. 

I threw the photo down "I gotta go" I said feeling the color drain in my face. I have to find Bart!

Bart's POV

Millhouse and I walk out of first period to go to the assembly. People are crowded everywhere blocking hallway. I look at Millhouse he seems to be just as confused as me. "Hey move it" I say shoving the people in my way. "Ay Bart I didn't know your friend was a fag" a kid called out to me. "What the hell did you just say" I asked feeling like a fight was about to start. 

He shoved a paper into my chest. Millhouse looked uncomfortable but ignored the comment. When I looked at the photo my heart felt like it was going to puke. On the back it said: Lisa, Bart, Got you Millhouse. 

I looked at Millhouse. He looked as white as a ghost. "Millhouse I swear" I begin. "Hey I know it's not you it's a sick joke" Millhouse growled. "Where did you get this!?" I scream slamming the kid into a locker by his collar. "Hey they're all over the school let me go!!" the kid demanded. 

"BART" I heard my sister yell from down the hall way. "LISA" I say grabbing Millhouse by the wrist trying to find Lisa. People stare at us as we navigate through the crowd of judgmental teens.

Millhouse blankly and emotionlessly follows me. I reach Lisa while kids start causing a commotion. 

"Do you know about this?" "What the fuck is this?" we both say at the same time. "That answered my question" Lisa sighed. "We gotta get out of here" Millhouse panted trying to avoid the glares of the students around him.

I nod and grab him by the wrist as well as Lisa's and shove past asshole students laughing and cursing us out. "Where are we going?" Millhouse asked tonelessly. I actually didn't know "Uhhh" "Library" Lisa shouted taking the lead.

No One's POV

While Bart and Lisa where trudging through the sea of teenagers they didn't notice Millhouse get pulled back. Millhouse feeling such panic didn't even notice until Janey stood infant of him "Are you ok?" Janey asked Millhouse innocently. "I have to go" Millhouse said trying to leave but Janey pulled him into her arms. "Heh Janey I have to go" Millhouse said uncomfortably.

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