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Barts Pov

"Shit I can't be late for this," I say out loud to myself. I throw on my jacket panic filling me. I manage to reach the restaurant before Millhouse. I take a deep breath and steady myself. I checked at the front and the waiter brought me to a booth in the back that was a bit more private than the other tables that were placed around the restaurant. I wait about five minutes starting to overthink everything being by myself. 

Another five minutes pass and I begin to sweat uncontrollably. Is he coming I think to myself with a surge of sadness coming over me. Just then Millhouse comes in holding flowers in his hands a bit crushed but beautiful nonetheless. "Heh- sorry I'm late the florist said they had the flowers I ordered but they hadn't arrived," Millhouse said taking a deep breath and wiping the sweat from his brow. He sat right across from me handing me the crushed Lillys he had been late for. "Thank you," I say as Millhouse hands me the bouquet. I place them beside me. The waiter comes by our table before we could start a conversation. "Anything to drink this evening" he questioned. I turn to Millhouse indicating him to go first. " Water for me thanks," the waiter wrote it down on his notepad. "And for you sir" "Same" the waiter notes it down and walks off to another table. "Sorry again for being late" Millhouse apologized again feeling guilty. 

"Please don't I'm usually the one whos late" I laugh "I mean sometimes I don't even show up to prior arrangements, like your thirteenth birthday" Millhouse's face dropped. I mentally facepalm myself. I try to laugh it off "Hey I was there for the rest well" Millhouse cuts me off "Uh you should stop there," he said laughing at how flustered I was getting. "Sorry," I say uncontrollably blushing now avoiding eye contact. He reached for my hand but I didn't notice causing him to get yanked closer. He tries to pull away but I yank him in for a kiss.  Wow. Have fun with Nelson Lis Millhouse is mine. 

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