Ex Bff''s ⚠️

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Offense language and may be triggering to readers. The use of this language is highly inappropriate and should never be used. The situations and vocabulary used in this chapter is strictly for plot. Read with caution if subjects such as homophobia and xenophobia can be triggering⚠️

Lisa'a POV
I sat patiently on the Powell's couch. Mrs. Powell left about fifteen minutes ago. I took a sip from the tea cup as I heard the door close.
"Mom I'm home" I heard Janey call removing her shoes at the doorway. "In here sweaty" I mimicked Mrs. Powell's voice.
"Hey Mom you'll never believe what Lisa-" Janey entered the den. "What'd Lisa do?" I say taking another sip of tea. "Lis-Lisa what are you doing h-here" Janey stuttered faking confidence.
"Get out of my house you crazy bit-" Janey begun before I cut her off. "Oh Janey you're the bitch but if you don't start talking about today I'll show you my psycho" I stare into her eyes.
"You lied to me! You said Millhouse was single" Janey screeched outraged. "I said I thought so. I didn't know he was dating Millhouse but even if I did you'd rather Millhouse be single and broken then with someone other than you" I say remaining on the couch now crossing my legs.
"You make it seem like I'm the selfish one" Janey glared. "I thought that was obvious" I scoff. "You took Millhouse when you knew I wanted him!" Janey started crying. This had no affect on me. Some other time maybe it would have but I have never seen Bart so hurt for that I have no empathy. "Then take revenge on me not Bart and Millhouse!" I clench my fists. "Bart knew! Hell the whole school knew I liked him" She sobbed angry tears. "Millhouse knew too I bet. It just might be he never liked you and now he never will" I smirk.
"You bitch! Fuck you and your retarded brother!" She swings her arm and punches me in the mouth, luckily no blood.I slam the tea cup down. "I really didn't want to resort to violence Janey" my voice cracks and I throw myself on top of Janey. I punch her straight in the face blood spilling from her mouth. She reached for my hair and slammed my head into her knee causing my nose to bleed.
"Take it back!" I demand elbowing her in the stomach causing her to gasp for air. "Fuck no!" she yells lunging at me but misses. "We were supposed to be best friends!" I say tripping her as she reaches for the plate on the coffee table. "You were my best friend but not anymore you're just a fucking social freak! And I hope I never see your ugly ass again!" She screeches. "Did-do" I flip  her over. I hear the door open and slam shut.
"LISA?!" I hear Nelson cry out my name. "NELSON!" I gasp for air as Janey begins choking me as she got the advantage and flipped me over. "Nelson your girlfriends crazy she tried to kill me I had to try and stop her" Janey lied. I felt light headed.
"I know your lying Janey I have it all recorded here!" Nelson says as he rips Janey off of me. I desperately take in air. "Geez coulda came in sooner" I look at him massaging my neck from the bruise marks of Janey's fingers.
Janey and I just glare as Nelson stands between us. "Let's go Lis this was a bad idea" Nelson trapped my hand. "But" Janey rushes towards me grabbing the plate and smashing it over my head leaving a gash in my forehead. My lightheaded-ness returns. I muster up all the strength I have and punch Janey in the face knocking her out before I collapse into my boyfriends arms. I'm still conscious so... I win.
My forehead is bleeding pretty severely and I know I would need stitches. I'm just great full Nelson showed up with video proof Janey started it so I wouldn't get in trouble. Janey knew she wouldn't get any sympathy so she took her frustrations out on me for that with the plate. How kind.
"I called the police and paramedics are on the way now" Nelson said assessing my wounds. I was more beat up since I played more fairly but I'm the better fighter since Bart taught me how to defend myself. I smile looking into my boyfriends beautiful brown eyes now murky with tears. "I'm so sorry this is my fault I should have come soon sooner I-I-I."
He's doing his best not to breakdown. I cup his face but suck air through my teeth since I was gut punched. "Hey it's okay. It would have happened eventually she's love sick god knows what else would've happened" I smile lovingly.
"Does that mean you'd do that for me I um sorry you're not love sick we haven't even said I love you I mean I uh heh" Nelson looked so sad at the sight of me. I could feel a black eye and boy did it hurt.
"I wouldn't have to" I smile and kiss him "because I know you like me." I wince in pain. "No" I freeze. "I don't" Nelson looks into my eyes and takes my hands is he breaking up with me is that why he made that comment. I'm so dizzy.
"Lisa I love you! I love you more than anything and anyone. You make me so happy and seeing you hurt like this and that it's my fault!" He finally breaks down. "I love you too please don't cry or I will" I begin to laugh and cry simultaneously.
"You love me?" Nelson asks. "Of course I do you idiot. I kiss him. I sit for a minute as we just stare at each other waiting for the police and paramedics. " I should call my parents" I snap out of my daze.
"Don't worry I already did they should be here now" just as he said that Mom, Dad, Maggie, and Bart rush to us...

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