His Maid, Thinking

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"All I got was "We are Shinista". No idea what that means..." you muttered, trying to rack your brain for anything else that was in the song.

Sebastian put the serving tray down in front of the young earl and his cousin and began to sing and dance.

"You're a shining star, even if your light is small!

You're a shining star, just join hands and look at them all!

You and me, we'll be a sensation, we'll become a constellation!"

Everyone looked at him dumbstruck as he ended pointing towards the young lord.

"Uh, darling never do that again," you said a bit weirded out by the behaviour, patting his arm so he could fix his posture. You know he didn't mind doing what he did, but you felt embarrassed for him honestly.

"How do you know it? Did you sneak back into the theatre?" Lord Edward asked as he straightened out his uniform.

"Not at all, I heard-"

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt!" Agni came in with Prince Soma behind him, interrupting Sebastian. "Would anyone like a late-night snack? Agni's homemade Sandesh are delicious." Agni placed it on the table next to the tea.

"Hey hey, that song the butler sang, is popular lately. When Agni and I went to the market. We kept hearing people singing it, little kids too."

"I knew it. Sebastian, you heard it from that prostitute right?" the young lord folded his arms staring at his butler.

"Yes, and she heard it from her friend in the same profession. Literacy is not common among the proletariat, meaning the only way to spread this is orally. However, humans need ways to remember things. The most memorable way has been through song and dance as history shows. Listen to it enough and it'll be practically engraved."

"Have it spread through a diverse enough audience and suddenly all of London knows it. A chain effect," you said putting what little pieces you had together.

"Exactly!" Lord Edward said. "But what is the point of the gatherings? What message are they trying to spread? It didn't seem harmful, just about stars and that sort of stuff."

"It could be a ruse to make more people gather there, maybe they're planning something? But what? There's no fee to get in so it has nothing to do with people's money," you said pacing around by the fireplace eyes glued to the floor and face permanently puzzled.

"That's true, however, the bracelets they hand out freely are pure silver yet even the poor don't sell them to help themselves. That Bravat Sk-" the young lord started.

"Oh yes, regarding those bracelets," Sebastian said holding up two of the silver bracelets that were making a jangling noise in the air, "I borrowed these from the men who threw me out. I asked the woman about them and told her to sell it but she said that there is a special room you get to enter depending on the one you get. An event of some sort that requires your bracelet. Polaris on Mondays and Wednesdays, Vega on Tuesdays, Canopus on Thursdays and Sirius on Fridays."

"Oh? Maybe that's where Lizzie is..." Lord Edward said quietly, still worried about his little sister.

The young lord stretched his arms, cracking his intertwined fingers and yawned. "I'll report to the Queen in the morning, and we can investigate more the next time it opens. Since we have our signs, Y/n can go Tuesday and I will go Friday. They're open tomorrow so we can go check them out again. Blend in as people who frequent."

You furrowed your eyebrows. That unfortunately wasn't your personal goal in this case. Normally nothing in the cases that the young lord is sent to do something about involved your personal opinion. But there was something too unusual for you to ignore.

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