Chapter Two

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Shailene's POV

I walk as fast as I can to the ladies room. I cannot hold my tears anymore. "Shai dear, please wait..." "No! I don't want to be with him!" "But honey..." "No, mom... I don't want to do this!" "But darling..." My mom stopped me and then she holds my head with her hands. "This can change everything. It will be so much easier for you to chase your dreams." She hugs me and I can only cry. I will be fine, if only that guy isn't part of this! I can't believe that I am engaged even before I was born! "Shai, think about it... He is a successful CEO. He can help you to achieve your dream to become a famous chef. He has all the channels for that." I still don't know how to control my emotions right now. "Shai dear, please stop crying okay? Just do it for your dad and I... To make us happy and we can finally see you become a famous chef, probably the best chef this world could ever have. Okay?" I look at her and she is smiling. Her gentle smile always makes me calm. "Okay."

Theo's POV

"Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptiklis, you tell me what's going on right here, right now!" Oh great... If my father already call me with my full name, that means I am in a big trouble. "Why did Shailene go like that?! You explain to us right now!" Yeah, right now I'm sitting with my parents and Shailene's father. "Well... It was just a misunderstood..." "What kind of misunderstood that makes Shailene called you a jerk?" Then I told everything. About how I accidentally spilled her coffee on her and then things got a little bit worse because of my behavior. "Oh Theo... How many times do I have to tell you? Respect girls because they are precious..." "I'm tired of respecting girls. I only respect women like mom..." My father and my mother can only shook their heads. I look at Shailene's father. He is actually smiling. "Young man, you really are your father's reflection." I look at him with a confused look. "What do you mean, sir?" "Well, you see... Your father also said the exact same sentence when we were still in college. He was hurt because of a girl and he also made a promise to never ever fall in love with a girl again. I joked at him and said "so now you're becoming gay?" and he said "heck no!" So then, after we were at our last semester, he met your mother. He instantly fell in love and the rest is history." His story makes me speechless. My father actually felt the same thing before... Just when I feel like I can't say anything, my father asks me to follow him. We both walk a little farther from our table, near a window. "What is it dad?" "Son, just do this okay? I know you're hurt because of that girl, but that doesn't mean you have to do your revenge on Shailene. She doesn't know anything about you, including your past. Plus, Shailene can actually help you to win any big company's heart to work with our company." "How can she do that?" "Lots of big companies out there want to work with us. But the fact that you are not married and you don't even have any fiancée or a girlfriend, they don't even give us any proposal 'cause they think you're not capable enough." "I can see where this engagement thing is going... For business." "No no no. That part is just the plus side. The main reason is because me and Shailene's dad made that promise back then. We always felt like that we are family and we want to make it come true." I look at the window and my thoughts are running in my mind. "Theo, just do it for me, your mom, and the company. Okay?" I take a deep breathe and let it out. "Okay." "Good boy... Ohh, Shailene and her mom are back. C'mon, let's join the rest." I walk behind my father and we walk straight to our table. Somehow, now I'm sitting next to Shailene. There is this awkward silence at our table. Then my father clear his throats. "Well, I guess now, Shailene and Theo are officially engaged." I roll my eyes and respond him. "It's not official dad... I don't even put a ring on her." Well, that is just my excuse. "Ohh don't worry dear. Your daddy and I already prepare it." My mom put a velvet box in front of us. "It was our family engagement ring. It has been a tradition and the ones who wore this ring always ended up together and cannot be broken." I really cannot believe my parents right now. Are they really expecting me to fall for Shailene? "Now son, put the ring on Shailene's finger." I take the velvet box and open it. There's this beautiful white gold ring with 3 diamonds on it. The middle one is the biggest and the other diamonds are on each side of the biggest diamond. I take it off from the box and look at Shailene. She keeps silent since she's back from the ladies room. Well, I think she went to the ladies room before. I take her hand and put the ring on. Both of our parents clap and cheer. Shailene's father raises a glass that has wine in it. "Cheers to our new family!" We all take our glass and cheers. I'm not smiling at all and I can see Shailene is also not smiling. More like a mad woman. Sheez... Women and their crazy hormones.


I'm hoping this chapter is not boring hehe. I can finally touch my stories on wattpad since I'm having a holiday right now hahahahaha.

I don't really have much to say so yeah feel free to comment and vote for this story! Thank you so much for reading this new update!

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