Chapter Twenty Four

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Theo's POV

I've spent 3 days here in Singapore and I can't even go a day without thinking about Shai.

Is she okay?

Paul didn't do anything to her right?


What if he's doing something to her right now?

What if she's in danger?!

What if...

"Mr. Taptiklis," I turn around to see Mr. Sanjaya is in front of my office door. "Yes, Mr. Sanjaya?" "There is someone who wants to meet you. An important guest." I nod. "Let them in." He nods and quickly gone. Then, a man shows up.

Don't wanna be rude, but this man reminds me of Santa Claus.

"Mr. Taptiklis! So nice to finally meet you." He gives me handshake and a friendly hug. "I am Mr. Raviolè Grandy." Grandy? I think I've heard it somewhere...  "I am the owner of The World of Grandy." Oh wow... Now I know why his name is so familiar. The World of Grandy is the world's most successful cullinary business. They have more than a hundred restaurants and bakeries in one country. Imagine how many restaurants and bakeries they have all around the world. "It's an honor to meet you sir. Your business really runs the world." He laughs and I can't help to look at his stomach.

Yup, definitely Santa Claus. He has that jiggly belly.

"Oh young man... Your words are too much. But I must say that my business is very popular." "I agree." "Which is why I came here!" I don't know what he's talking about. "What do you mean sir?" He clears his throat. "You see, I heard that your fiancèe is an excellent chef." I can feel my lips formed a smile. "I've heard about her family's restaurant but I never really got the chance to taste the food there. Too much work really keeping your time away from things you wanna do." "That is true." "Which is why I want to meet your fiancèe. I mean, it will be easier to meet her with you than my own decision. Let's just say it's a business deal. If she's as great as they say, I will work with your company." Okay, now that's a deal I can't resist. Having world's best cullinary business to work with my company and to make Shai's dream come true.


"So... Is that a deal?" I look at him and smile. "Deal." We shake hands and I can't wait to tell the news to Shai. But, I can't just tell her through phone calls. I'll just have to wait 'til I get back.

That's a long time to wait...

Shai's POV

"Still no news from your Romeo?" I give Miles a fake glare. "He's busy, I guess." "Yeah, tell that to your phone. You've been checking your phone ever since he left." "You're exaggerating the situation." "Yeah I won't call that exaggerating. It is the fact." I put my phone down and look around. The restaurant is closed but everybody already left except for me and Miles. Beth and Zoë are going to watch that new Harry Potter spinoff. Wait, what is it call again? Oh yeah, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I usually go with them but right now, I'm not in the mood of watching. Ansel? He said he was so sleepy so he took a cab and went straight home. "Miles?" "Hmm?" He's sweeping the floor right now. "Is it weird that..." "Is it weird that you want Theo to contact you?" I'm surprised by his words. "How did you...?" "How did I know? Simple, you never really check your phone but suddenly, you can't keep your hands from your phone. Really obvious for me." That is actually true... I never really play with my phone that much. "You want an honest opinion?" I nod. Then he stops sweeping. "For me, it's not weird. Sometimes when you care about someone, you want to know how they are when they're not with you. Some people are lucky that they can ask straight away to that specific person, but for some people, they can only pray, even though their distance is not that far. Because the feelings are not mutual. " And then he continues. "You are actually lucky. Theo has mutual feelings for you. You can actually just ask him through text and he will respond as soon as he reads it." I give him a funny look. "What mutual feeling?" 'Cause to be honest, I don't even know what I feel right now towards Theo. Miles chuckles. "Even someone who is ignorant about romance can tell from your pictures at the park." "What's that suppose to mean?" "That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Hurry up and text him."

My hands work on its own. Before I know it, I already texted Theo.

Miles gives me a smile. "That's my awesome cousin."

Theo's POV

Keiynan gives me a pat on my shoulder. "Looks like someone is really happy getting a text." I can't deny it.

Hey how are things? I hope you're doing fine and I'm sure you're doing great with your work. See you soon :)

Shai just sent me a text and somehow I feel energized. How I wish I can go home now...


Well, well... *maleficent's voice*

Looks like I did another update hahahahaha.

I don't really want to go on full details about Theo's trip because it's a business trip. Not really that fun to write lol.

So I include God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by Pentatonix 'cause it's December!! Soon it will be christmas and another year will come!

man that means i'm going to college soon.

So anyway I hope you like this new update! Thank you for reading this new update!

Oh and also, this story hits 5K+ hahahahaha. My baby is growing :')

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