Chapter Twenty Three

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Theo's POV

I park my car in front of Shai's house. I get out of my car and walk fast to the entrance. I knock at the door but suddenly I'm nervous as hell.

What if Shai doesn't really wanna meet me?

What if I actually interupt her time with her family?

What if her parents aren't really pleased with my presence?

What if...?

"Hey Theo." I jump in surprise. I turn around and Shai's already open the door. Then, she laughs a little. "Why are you laughing?" I ask her in confusion. I don't think I did something funny... "You literally jumped when I called you." What the... I can feel my cheeks redden. "Shai! Who is it?" I hear her dad's voice. Then, he appears. "Oh Theo! What a nice surprise! We were just talking about you!"

Oh wow. Now, I really am surprise.

Shai gives her dad a little punch on his hand. "Dad!" "What? It's true!" Now I can see Shai's cheeks are getting red. I laugh and Shai looks at me instantly. "I'm just gonna take Theo to the garden," she pulls my hand and we both walk to her garden. Somehow, I can feel my heart's beating a little faster than usual.

We walk to a gazebo and I have to say, it's a very cute gazebo.

We finally sit and she release my hand. Suddenly, I feel something missing from me. "So," she starts the conversation. "What do you wanna talk about?" Now that she's in front of me, I have no idea what to say. I cannot tell her about Paul and my past just like that. "Umm well, I just..." Wait, what am I supposed to say? I can feel my palms are getting sweaty. "Yes?" I take a deep breathe. "I am going to Singapore tomorrow morning." She looks surprised but confused at the same time. "Okay... So, why are you going to Singapore?" "A business trip. I'll be gone for a week."

...and then, there goes a silent awkward moment.

I can even hear the wind.

Then, she takes both of my hands. I look at her and she gives me smile. "I don't really know why are you telling me this. I mean, you can actually just tell me this via call or chat. But, I really appreciate it. That means, you are trying to make this relationship works." I keep on looking to her eyes as she continues. "Because for me, when you tell something important by yourself, not through calls or chats, that means you are making an effort. You know what will that person react."

I don't know what's happening. Suddenly, she leans forward and plant a kiss on my cheek. There's a warm sensation that I feel right now. "So, what time is your flight?"

---The Next Morning, at The Airport---

Shai's POV

So here I am. Theo is about to go inside with Keiynan.

There's something inside me that feels weird.

I feel like I don't want him to go.

Hahaha this is very weird.

We don't even love each other. At least, that's what I think.

Theo keeps on holding my hand but now he needs to let me go. He turns to face me and I can see that he is worried. "Remember what I said to you," he says. I nod. "You don't need to worry. I'll be fine." Then he leans forward to kiss my forehead and hug me. I return the hug and I feel warm. Somehow, it feels so right to be in his arms. I feel... safe. But then again, they announced the flight to Singapore is going to leave soon. We release each other and gives one another a smile. "See you soon Shai." "Take care of yourself Theo."


Hehe okay this is kinda dull... But I promise it will get better on the next chapter.


I really miss wattpad. I've had some family issues but now I am back!

Yes this is a short update but this chapter is more like a filler. The next one will be better♥

Anywaaaay, I am currently obsessed with Set It Off, especially their new album Upside Down. Let me tell you, it's very legit.

So hope you like this filler update hahahaha. See you on the next chapter!

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