Chapter Thirteen

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Shailene's POV

"No way..." I still can't believe my eyes. "Umm you sure you guys don't talk about your costumes?" Beth finally ask. If I'm Beth, I will also ask because WE'RE BOTH DRESSED UP AS CHARACTERS FROM ZORRO! "What's going on? Whoa." Ansel suddenly appears. He blinks a few times, like he always do whenever he can't believe his own eyes. Well right now, I don't even believe mine. "Oh wow... You guys are that couple from Zorro, right? Did you guys plan this?" Theo and I still speechless our look. I have to say, he really looks good in his Zorro costume. "Well, from your face, I guess you guys don't even know each other's costume. This is awesome... you guys sure have a strong connection." I glare at Ansel and he only laughs. Beth gives me a symphatic smile but then punch Ansel's hand. "Ouch!" "Oops, sorry. I guess my hand wants to punch someone right now." I can only shake my head. Theo suddenly clear his throat and I look at him. "We have to go now..." "Ohh okay. Bye Beth, bye Ansel. See you guys later!" "Bye Shai!" And with that, I walk behind Theo to his car.

Theo's POV

For freaking sake, how can we have matching costumes for tonight? This really confuses me. We don't even talk on our way to Mr. Andreson's daughter's party. Which makes me kinda desperate. Whoa Theo, you are not desperate by some random girl that your parents paired with you even before you were born! I look at her once again and she's looking at the window. As a normal guy, she looks hot. Her hair is kinda wavy at the end. Let's just say it's semi-wavy. Her lips are red but not too deep and not too bright. Sheez, am I really observing too much?

Well... also as a normal guy, I take my chance to look at her assets.


Her boobs are popping through that dress of hers... just like Elena's in the movie! How I wish I can touch those and make love to her right now...


Just wait a minute.

Make love?!

I must be crazy right now!

No way I'm making love with her! Sheez, get your mind straight Theo! I got my eyes on the road again and eventually, we arrive at the party. I park the car and immediatly get out. I open the door for Shailene and I take her hand. I lean closer to her to whisper something. "Remember, they knew that we're a couple and soon will be married." "Don't worry, it's easy for me. Oh and also for you Theo, remember you really have to look like you love me, not with your casual cold attitude." This girl... sometimes I really hope I never meet her.

Shailene's POV

Oh my gosh... This party is seriously huge. I can even see someone dressing as Stitch and Winnie the Pooh. Most definitely I see some Star Wars characters because who doesn't love that iconic movie? I'm most surprised by Mr. Andreson's costume. He's dressing up as Gru from Despicable Me. "Theo! You came!" Mr. Andreson gives Theo a hug. "And you also came with your lovely lady! How happy I am. You guys even dressed up as a couple from Zorro!" Remember Shai... Smile and look like you're in love. I see a girl behind Mr. Andreson. "Ohh let me introduce my children. This is Aileen, the oldest." Me and Theo both shake hands with Aileen. She looks stunning with her costume as Tinker Bell. "Over there who's dressing up as Cinderella is Arieta, the one who's having her birthday today." I look at Arieta and she is living it. She dance around with a bunch of people. "And near the chocolate fountain are my twins. Aria and Archie." Mr. Andreson sure has lots of kids... Aria and Archie look so adorable as minions (even though Aria is a girl...). "They all look very lovely, Mr. Andreson." "Ohh thank you young lady. Theo sure knows how to pick a fiancèe hahahahaha." Theo suddenly wrap his arm around my waist. "Yeah... I'm lucky to have her in my arms." Without any warning, Theo kisses my cheek. I can feel my cheeks are getting red. "Oh would you look at that! You guys truly are the cutest thing ever!" I don't know what I have to do now... plus, having Aileen who's actually actually looks very entertained doesn't help at all. "Well, why don't you guys go to the dance floor? It's almost time for the dance and I want to introduce you to my husband." I can feel Theo is pulling me so there's no space between us. "We would love to." "You guys have fun okay? This old man needs to go to the dessert table." Mr. Andreson walks away while I'm walking down to the dance floor. This is going to be a long night...


Whoa what what?? I update another chapter?? That fast??

Hahahaha well the original plan is actually I update 4 chapters yesterday but... I was so sleepy so I updated it now hahahaha.

Anyway.... oooh Theo kiss Shai's cheek. Is it going to be her lips next? Wait and see ;)

Hope you guys like this new update. Feel free to comment and vote! Thanks for reading ^^

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