Chapter Three

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Shailene's POV

"Whoa... He really is a jerk." I agree with Zoë. "But that is a very beautiful ring..." I look at the ring on my finger. Beth was right, it is a very beautiful ring and I have to say, I think this ring is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. "Well, too bad I can't come yesterday to watch everything." I give a small punch on Ansel's hand. Ansel is my little brother. He is two years younger than me and he also loves to cook. That's why he's here at the restaurant because he's helping me in the kitchen. Beth is the cashier. She is actually a year younger than Ansel. Do you remember when I said that we were friends since high school? I was actually her senior and we were in the same drama club. That's why we become friends. I have my other two friends who work here as well. They are Zoë and Miles. Well, technically Miles is actually my cousin but he can be a great friend. They work as waiter and waitress here. Today there aren't many costumers so that's why we can have a group conversation. Miles is tidying up some plates on a table and wave goodbye to the costumer. "Thanks for coming. Come back soon!" He brings the dishes to the kitchen and a minute later, he joins us. "Well well well. What do we have here? Ms. Woodley is officially engaged. I thought you're not going to be engaged for, I don't know, 20 years from now?" Yeah, Miles always tells jokes, even though some of them are funny, some of them are insulting, and some of them are sarcasm. "Haha very funny, Miles." "Well at least, Shailene got engaged. You, on the other hand, don't even have any girlfriend." "Doesn't mean I don't have any girls that I can choose." I really don't understand Miles and Zoë. They always have a fight every day, even on the littlest thing like writing on a wrong note. Sometimes I wish that they really fall for each other. "Hey guys, stop. Please, go back to the topic? Shai and her engagement?" Beth is always the one who separated Miles and Zoë before they're scratching each other. "So, what are you going to do with your engagement, big sis?" "I don't know... I honestly don't know. You know by marrying him, I can achieve my dreams." They all look at me with a symphatic look. "But... You can't just marry someone that you don't even love you know. Well yes you can but you won't be happy. Unless at the end, you guys will really fall in love." I look at Miles with a surprised look. "Miles, I will not gonna fall for him. That jerk really ruins my life!" "Yeah, that is what everybody says when they hate someone but eventually, they finally fall in love." Sometimes Miles just really know how to make me realize on something. "I am not going to fall for him." "We'll see... Oh look, costumers." We all look at the door and there are some people with the same shirt coming to our restaurant. I guess they're a group or something. With that, we all back to our position.

Theo's POV

"Here's your coffee, sir." I look at my table and someone is standing in front of my table. "Dude, how many times do I have to told you? We're business partners and also best friends. Stop calling me sir." "Hahahaha I'm just teasing you bro. I know you're stressing out because all these papers. That's why I'm bringing you my special coffee." "Thanks Keiynan. You really are the best." I take a sip of his coffee and yes, his coffee is so delicious. I told him to open a coffee shop but he said that he still wants to focus on this company with me. "So Theo, how's your engagement going?" I put all the papers that I read and take a deep breathe. "You know how I really don't want to be engage or even have a relationship with someone right now? Last time was really bad." "Oh yeah, I guess it was the worst. Ruth really took you down... You almost lost everything." Keiynan was the only person who knows the story, besides my family. He was there when Ruth took me down and left me like I was a trash. "Yeah, but I have to agree with this engagement. My dad said with this marriage, we can win any business partnership." "So... That means you only gonna marry this girl because of business?" "Yeah, something like that." He gives me this "I can't believe you" look and then laugh. "Dude! You really are mean! I mean, c'mon! With this kind of situation, you're going to fall for her. Trust me." I burst out laughing until my stomach hurts. "What's so funny?" I try to sit up straight and Keiynan's face looks like a boy who doesn't know what's going on. "Your words. There is no way I'm going to fall for her. Sure, she is attractive but she's just not my type." "Like you have a type." "Okay, yeah I don't have a type but she's still not count as a girl who I will date." "Yeah, we'll see about that boss..." He throws some of the papers to my face and leave my room with a laugh. He is a goof but his words make me think. What if I will fall for this girl... Naaah, that will never happen. I tidy the papers that Keiynan threw to me and continue reading it.


Another update!! Hahahahaha I'm having lots of inspiration for this story and I'm trying to update the other two.

So yeah, I include the collage of the other casts and there will be other new casts for this story.

Hope you like this story, feel free to comment and vote. Thank you so much for reading and see you later!

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