A Line Moved

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'It is with understanding and concern for the welfare and health of everyone in the plaza that we ask anyone not already there to please avoid that area.'

The man on the screen seems concerned with the well-being of the ARMY and the police in front of the HYBE building.

At first I was expecting the lawyers that the guys hired to make a speech, but when there was an announcement of a statement being put out about the mob of people in front of the HYBE building, it turned out to be Bang-PD himself.  Everyone in the room is watching intently, some excited, some fearful.

'We acknowledge that the contract issues with BTS is not a willful violation on anyone's part, and at this time we have no intent on breaking with BTS. Their renewed contract came just a short year before the company went public, and it became so much more than BigHit was.' As Bang PD-nim bows his head in solemn thought everyone in the room stills any movements, even the anxious tapping quiets to silence.

'The pause on BTS's contract is as much to give us time to understand just where BigHit's responsibilities continue into HYBE, so that we can fully support Bangtan Sonyeondan, as well as to how it pertains to the new global dynamic of Soul Bonds.'

With a wink and a smile, Bang looks right into the camera. 'Please don't worry. BTS will always have love and support from me, from us, and from ARMY. Let the contract lawyers do their job so that the BTS can get back to theirs. Thank you.'

The sigh of relief is almost a groan of release. Each of them suddenly looks years younger, the stress of the last week was wearing them down in a way that I'm not sure they've ever experienced before.


'Odd question, or rather, out of left field, but has anyone noticed a change in the Soul Bond's glow?' I ask as they blink at me.

'No, nothing obvious.' Is most of the replies.

'I think I'm the only one you haven't been physical with yet. Maybe that might change something?' Taehyung says quietly.

'I'm just wondering if we all got used to the amped light surrounding each of us, or if it went away.' The silence is deafening... until Jungkook gets up and turns off all the lights.

'Well, that answers that...' I say, blinking at the glowing men.

'Yeah, it think it's gone to the back of our attentions because our focus isn't on it.' Namjoon says.

'Did my light pulse when it changed for you guys?' I ask. All of them shake their heads no, so I frown at my phone, taking notes.

Quickly an empty notepad and a pencil is handed to me, Seokjin admonishing me to not take notes digitally where it could be hacked, and I delete the notes as I transcribe them into the pad I now have.

'Who have I only had one connection with, physical or emotional?' I ask, looking around.

'You had both at the same time with me.' Yoongi starts.

'Just physical, sorry.' Jungkook adds.

'Both.' Jimin says shortly. Hoseok smiles and nods at me to be added to that list.

'Just emotional.' Says Taehyung. 'I'm patient, don't worry.'

'I think it was just physical for me.' Seokjin says, blushing at the memory.

'And you cried on my shoulder, but I think it really only was the physical connection so far between us.' Namjoon adds in.

'I think I need to keep track of when things change. I get the feeling there's more to this, I just don't know what.' I say, frowning at the list.

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