It's in the Jeon's (Genes)

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I've always loved Spring, it's my favorite season. 

For some it's the warming weather, for others, the change of snow to rain. For many it's the blooming flowers after a long, cold, gray season. The colors bring them joy after the faded sharp palette of winter.

For me it's just one color: green. The green in spring is like no other to me. It's bright, calm, cheerful, and like a breath of fresh air to my eyes. My attention gets pulled to each tree as the new leaves and buds slowly unravel in the warmth creeping into the wind.

For Jeon Jungkook, it's the mud.

'Yah! Bam! Come here! Play!' His other dogs, the two greyhounds, rest in the doorway, having put paws in the wet of the outdoors and promptly noped right back inside.

Bam was eager to stretch his muscles, however. Much like his human, he enjoyed being active, playing, and was competitive when faced with a challenge.

The greyhounds were happy to snuggle with Taehyung's Pomeranian, Yeontan.

'Bam! Catch!' Even as he's throwing the toy for Bam to catch Jungkook launches himself in another direction, looking to outrace the dog to the deck.

At his parents' house there's little space outdoors, but there is enough of a yard behind his house that the dogs have a safe space to exercise and use it as a bathroom option when the weather is awful.

'Jungkook! Don't rile him up! He needs to rest before he gets taken to the vet for his checkup.' Jungkook's older brother shouts from a window in the kitchen. Junghyun, only a couple of years older than Jungkook himself, looks almost like someone copy-pasted his brother's genetic formula into another mold... or since his brother is older, it's the other way around?

Shaking my head, I grin. 'Good luck with that! I get the feeling they're both trying to win.' I say loud enough to be heard over the scrabbling feet, barking, and laughter as Bam drops the toy and climbs Jungkook's prone body sprawled over the porch steps. He'd almost made it up before the pup slammed into him at a full run, bowling him over.

They were now both covered in grass and mud. That wonderful bright green of spring was sprinkled all over the both of them, slowly cementing to them with the slimy mud.

Junghyun retreated from hanging out the window, only to have his mother take his place. When she saw the mess her youngest was, and his dog, she gasped in outrage.

'Jungkook get in this house this instant! You are going to wash Bam until he sparkles, then you are doing the same yourself. And if you think for even one minute I'm doing your laundry you've got your head on backwards! Get clean, now!'

Not even waiting for a reply she brings herself fully back into the house again and closes the window. 

Jungkook looks at Bam, who just whines, thumping his tail a little.

Sighing, Jungkook sits up and takes the discarded toy in hand.

'Come on, Bam. Time to take a bath.'


Later that evening, around the dinner table, Jungkook is regaling them with the story of how Yeontan came to be added to his visit home as well.

'Taehyung wanted to come. He even had his bag packed and ready without talking to anyone about it.' Jungkook grinned as he swigged his water, sitting back while everyone relaxed after stuffing themselves with a homemade meal, courtesy of Jungkook's brother. He insisted their mom and dad relax today.

'When the hyungs found him, bag in hand, ready to head out the door with me, Tannie wriggling against his side as he held him under his arm, they immediately started shouting at him. Even Tannie got in on the action, wiggling harder and barking until Tae put him down.' 

'It seems he had forgotten that he needed to record his track for four possible songs that were stalled because of him, and he still needed to finish another solo song of his that he'd scheduled to go over with RM hyung.' His giggle at the memory has everyone chuckling.

Each family has met the whole group, even come to Seoul in small groups to celebrate holidays and birthdays occasionally. They've even gone so far as to travel to other countries to see them in their concerts during the world tours they've had. I think it was a kind of vacation for many of them as they tend to not leave Korea without a reason.

Hmmm... much like my family. I guess we're more alike than I thought.

'So the whole hyung line ganged up on him, passing Yeontan and his travel stuff to me, shoving me out the door with y/n as they almost literally dragged Tae back into the dorm, making him commit to finishing his work before he starts any more adventures!' Jungkook throws his head back with gleeful laughter as the rest join the laugh at Taehyung's expense.


After dinner we head out to the hotel he booked for us to spend the night. After Yoongi's fiasco with the trains the whole group decided to just drive or use car services if they needed to travel anywhere, so long as we were all still under quarantine and confined to the borders of Korea.

Jungkook drove us to the hotel, holding my hand. After parking he even insisted that I let him open my door and help me out. I smiled and let him, feeling his need to be corny but romantic as a sweet gesture.

After all, his father did the same things for his mother the whole day. 

It must be in the genes.

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