Chapter 3

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Curled up in a tight ball, Anguirus blinked his eyes open. Why on earth was the ground shaking so much? That wasn't normal, unless there was an earthquake. His fur bristled at the thought. Was there an earthquake going on right now?! Scrambling to his feet, the blue colored kaiju cat screeched, "Mom! Dad! Earthquake!" He raced around the burrow but he couldn't find his family anywhere. Perhaps they already got out. With that, he dashed outside.

No one was there.

"Mom? Dad? Grandpa?" Anguirus asked. His head turned to the left and it turned to the right. But he couldn't find anyone. He couldn't find his mom, his dad. No grandpa, no aunt, no older brothers. There was nobody. Anguirus was all alone. Thankfully, there was no evidence of an earthquake. But then why had the ground been shaking? He looked down.


"The migration..." Anguirus guessed. It had to be that. There were so many paw prints all over the place. The dirt path was littered with them. But there was no sign of the kaiju cats who had made them. More importantly, Anguirus couldn't see his family anywhere in sight. Where could they be? Then he came to a sudden realization.

He had been abandoned... again.

"Why do they do this every year?!" Anguirus cried, flopping down on the dirt. This was getting old. His family did this every year when it was time to move south. They found some way to leave him behind. Fortunately, he had managed to reunite with them again and again. Yet they continued to abandon them. Looks like they have done it again this year. Anguirus sniffed sadly. Why would his family do this to him?

"Oh Hokmuto, where did you find this?" a female voice purred. Hearing it, Anguirus lifted his head. Curious, he heaved himself up on his paws and followed the source of the voice as a male rumbled, "Only the best for you my love." At last, Anguirus reached the top of the rise and peered over. Two MUTOs were there, about to enjoy a nice radiation dinner. A lightbulb lit up in his head. Perhaps they could help him reunite with his family. He ran down the embankment.

"Dig in my love," Hokmuto stated, gesturing to the pile of radioactive waste laid out before them. Nuzzling him lovingly, Femuto turned to the meal. She was about to take a bite when a blue ball of spiky fur came running. Radiation flew up everywhere.

"I'm sorry to disturb you two but I was wondering if you could help me," Anguirus declared. He shook his blue pelt, flinging drops of radiation everywhere. Flicking some off his nose, he puffed his chest out and explained, "My family seems to have left me behind during the migration. I was wondering if you could help me find them."

"Hokmuto..." Femuto grumbled, her red eyes narrowed to slits. Standing next to his mate covered in radioactive waste, Hokmuto muttered, "Easy Femuto." Baring her teeth with a sinister snarl, Femuto growled, "He ruined our romantic dinner."

His blue eyes widening in shock, Anguirus slowly looked down. Sure enough, he was standing in a pile of radioactive waste. It was all over the place now from when he had come barging in. Chuckling nervously, he backed out of the remains as he mumbled, "Oh, uh, excuse me. Sorry about that." The MUTOs, still covered in their dinner, slowly advanced towards him. Anguirus gulped. He had to think of something and fast. Pointing at something in the distance, he cried, "What's that?!" The MUTOs looked. Seeing nothing, they turned back to find the blue kaiju cat hightailing it out of there. "Now?" Femuto asked. His teeth bared, Hokmuto nodded and growled, "Now."

The chase was on.

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