Chapter 14

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"Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel or something?" Godzilla growled, baring his sharp fangs. Anguirus, meanwhile, made a grab for the kitten. However, Rodan was faster. Pulling the cub to his side, he snarled, "I am taking her back myself. You two go south."

"And why should we let you take her? We can return her to the humans just as well as you can," Anguirus retorted. He shoved his snout right into Rodan's face. Unfazed, the red kaiju cat simply raised one eyebrow as he asked, "Can either of you two imbeciles track?"

"No, why?"

"Figures," Rodan muttered, rolling his eyes. Keeping the Mosura cub close to his side, he absentmindedly picked up one of the coals in a nearby fire pit. Rolling it around between the pads of his foot, he remarked, "There's still some warmth to it... they left two hours ago." Swishing his tail towards disturbances in the earth, he continued, "Those tracks were made by the equipment they needed on their journey. They point west."

"Those tracks were made by the equipment they needed on their journey. They point west," Anguirus repeated mockingly. He had two twigs in his mouth like fangs. Seeing that, the Mosura kitten laughed happily. Rodan, however, wasn't as amused. "They did," he insisted. Godzilla took this opportunity to grab the cub. Holding her close, the black kaiju cat rumbled, "Yes, cuz you are an expert tracker."

"I am and you two aren't. Just give me the cub," Rodan responded curtly. His fur bristling, he murmured, "I can track those humans down a lot faster than the two of you combined." He reached for the baby kitten. Keeping her out of his reach, Godzilla huffed, "We can manage." Flicking his torn ear, the smaller feline questioned, "Do you even know where the humans go during the winter?"

"The Glacier Gates. Everyone knows they have a settlement on the other side," Godzilla answered, gesturing to his right. In the distance one could see the towering glaciers that made up the passageway to the human world. Standing up, the black kaiju cat picked up the baby Mosura by her scruff. Watching him with unblinking yellow eyes, Rodan shrugged his shoulders as he muttered, "Okay, but the point is you can't track. You want to return that cub before the humans get through the gates and you definitely wanna do that before it snows." Sniffing the air, he murmured, "I can already smell it coming."

"I hate to say this but he's right. I can smell it too," Anguirus whimpered softly. Unable to speak with the kitten in his mouth, Godzilla agreed with both of them. The snow was coming. By the smell of it, it would arrive tomorrow. A heavy sigh escaping him, he glanced down at the Mosura kitten he was currently holding. She looked back at him and giggled happily. Averting his gaze, Godzilla's gaze flickered between Rodan and Anguirus. He had a decision to make and he did.

He gave Anguirus the cub.

"There's your bundle of joy. We're returning it to the humans," Godzilla declared. A big smile of triumph on his face, Anguirus smirked at Rodan and sneered, "Aw, looks like Fangface gets left behind to freeze his-"

"Anguirus, Fangface is coming with us," Godzilla pointed out as he began walking away. It was Rodan's turn to grin triumphantly. A horrified look painted on his face, Anguirus whimpered, "Godzilla, can I talk to you for a second?" Baring his teeth, Godzilla snapped, "No. I want to get this over with so I can get rid of Fangface and Crybaby. Oh, and the cub too."

"You poor thing. You're nothing without your friend," Rodan purred, circling Anguirus. Eyes narrowing, he murmured, "When you two split your separate ways, I suggest you sleep with one eye open." A little ways away, Godzilla called, "Hey Red! Up front where I can see you! Anguirus, hurry up or we'll leave you behind!"

"Kaiju why me..." Anguirus whimpered, looking down at the cub in his arms.

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