Chapter 10

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Not a word was spoken between Godzilla and Anguirus. They stared at Mosura in silence. Neither one of them knew why she was here or what she was doing in the raging river. All they could do was guess. Quietly, the pair approached the riverbank.

Mosura felt so weak right now. She was clinging onto a log that was firmly stuck between two rocks on the shore. Her baby was still sleeping, despite everything that happened. And they weren't out of danger yet. Mosura knew she had to get both of them out of the river. The fast current was strong and she didn't have much strength left.

Slowly but steadily, Mosura inched her way along the sturdy branch. She kept a firm grip on her daughter's scruff all the while. She held her head high so the cub couldn't get more wet. The shore wasn't too far away now. Just a little more and they would be out of the river. At that very moment, Mosura lost her grip on the tree branch. Before the current could sweep her far away though, something grabbed her scruff.

Swimming strong against the fast moving river, Godzilla headed back for shore. Anguirus waited there, ready to help. Making it to the shallows, the black kaiju cat walked the rest of the way. All the while, he held on tight to Mosura's scruff. Pulling her up on the riverbank, he finally released his hold and gently laid her head down. From there, he and Anguirus accessed the damage.

Mosura was in bad shape. Her body had been banged up pretty bad by the rapids at the base of the waterfall. But it seemed she had been in a pretty bad fight before that. Her once beautiful white fur was stained with her very own blood. There were bite marks and scratches all over. But the scariest part was all of the burns. Fur had been singed and pale skin had turned red. Her injuries were severe.

Shaking tremendously, Mosura gazed up at her saviors. She blinked her sky blue eyes at them, showing her gratitude. Both Godzilla and Anguirus dipped their heads respectfully to her. Shivering, Mosura turned to the cub she had with her. Giving her daughter a gentle lick on the forehead, the ancient kaiju cat whispered softly, "Please, look after my little one." She then pushed the baby towards Godzilla and Anguirus. They looked down at her.

Finally beginning to wake up, the little cub mewed quietly. Squirming a little, she then opened up her eyes and stared up at the two large kaiju cats. Staring back at the infant, Godzilla and Anguirus took notice that her eyes were the same shade of blue as her mother's. Letting out a cute little giggle like all babies do, the cub waved her tiny paws in the air, wanting to play. "Look at that, she's okay," Anguirus purred, smiling. Godzilla had no response. He was watching Mosura.

It was already clear that Mosura was gone. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was growing shallow. At last, she breathed her last and fell still. She was gone. A second after her final moments of life, her tattered pelt began to shimmer with a golden light. Then she slowly dissipated until there was nothing left of the great Mosura. Godzilla and Anguirus looked at each other then looked at the baby.

Then Godzilla got up to leave.

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