Chapter 5

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Water cascaded down the smooth boulders, creating a vertical bridge for the river. The evening sun shined down upon it, forming a rainbow. Up on the higher level, the roar of the waterfall could be heard faintly in the distance of the human village. The small band went about their day, knowing they were safe as long as the lovely Mosura was with them. And today was a good day, for their guardian had just given birth to her heir.

Curled up in a soft bed of moss, Mosura smiled softly. The most loyal of her followers, the Shobijin twins, were leading the tribe of humans in a spiritual chant. The elderly kaiju cat wasn't sure why but they loved and respected her. Perhaps it was because she kept them safe from the other kaiju cats who meant to do them harm. The humans never dared to hurt her. They gave her the same amount of kindness as she gave to them. Sadly she knew her time was coming to an end. But she would be succeeded by her daughter.

Mosura looked down at the ball of brown fur laying at her side. The little cub nursed happily in content. Born hours ago during the night, her daughter knew nothing but love and warmth. One day, it would be her responsibility to look after the small human tribe. The aging Mosura prayed that time would not come quickly. For now, she wanted to watch her little girl grow up. Giving her daughter a lick on the head, the elderly kaiju cat nuzzled the cub. The newborn squeaked in response before she nuzzled her mother back.

"Would you look at the little baby?" a voice murmured. Standing upon the edge of a cliff overlooking the human camp were five kaiju cats. The speaker, a tall skinny feline with golden fur, continued, "Look at her. She's warm, she's loved. She's the newest threat to our survival."

"Ooh, let me kill her Ichi. Let me end the bloodline of Mosura!" a green and yellow kaiju cat yipped excitedly. His sharp claws scratched the rocky surface beneath his paws. A sadistic look glistened in his single red eye. The golden feline named Ichi whirled around to face the one eyed cat. His brothers, Ni and San, were one step ahead of him. They tackled the green and yellow cat to the ground and silenced him with hisses. Padding over, Ichi commented, "Thank you for volunteering Gigan. But I have other plans."

"What are your plans brother Ichi?" San asked politely, dipping his head in respect to his older brother. Flicking his tail towards the human camp down below, Ichi replied, "The humans have regarded Mosura as their god and savior. They saw that she would always have their back and protect them from kaiju cats like us. And so we were hunted down, killed so the humans would have nothing to fear at night. Well, I think it's time we reminded them of fear."

"Yes, thank you for the history lesson Ichi but what is the plan?" Ni demanded impatiently. Signaling to his brother to keep his mouth shut, Ichi explained, "Mosura is old and weak from giving birth. Her baby is the only one she had. If we kill her, that will bring an end to the Mosura bloodline. Even Mosura won't be able to stop us after that." Frowning, Ni muttered, "Wouldn't she just have another baby?"

"With her advanced age, I doubt she'll ever have kids again," Ichi pointed out. Glowering at Mosura as she lovingly nuzzled her offspring, he went on, "At dawn, we will launch our attack. I don't care if someone kills Mosura or not. Our goal is her baby. She must die." Wagging his tail, Gigan exclaimed, "Let me kill her!"

"No! I will be the one to kill her!" Ichi roared. Everyone shrank back in terror when they saw their king's red eyes blaze yellow. He was about ready to use his gravity beam. Fortunately, he didn't. Calming down, he gave his paw a lick as he explained, "I will kill her. I have to do it, if I want to enjoy our revenge. But I need someone to retrieve the infant."

"I'll do it!" Gigan cried. Snorting in amusement, Ichi rolled his blood red eyes in annoyance. There was no way Gigan was doing the task. He was too eager to kill the baby. He looked over at his brothers. Ni might do the task but there were times where he could be very aggressive. He might just kill the cub as well. The youngest brother San wouldn't kill unless he was told too. But he had a hard time following even the simplest of instructions.

At last Ichi turned his gaze to the newest member of the pride. Despite being new to the group, Rodan had proven himself as a worthy member. He had moved up the ranks swiftly. Ichi even considered making him his second in command. The red colored kaiju cat did what he was told without hesitation and never failed his missions. Ichi was actually surprised that the fiery feline hadn't said anything yet. Clearing his throat, the leader remarked, "You're a bit quiet tonight Rodan. What are you thinking?"

"Sir, I learned from a young age it's best to keep one's opinion to themselves," Rodan answered, bowing his head respectfully. His orange tipped tail swishing side to side, he added, "With that being said, I think it's a great plan sir. But I do have a question." Ichi waved his paw, giving him permission to ask. Taking a step forward, Rodan asked, "Why do you want the baby taken away alive when you want her dead sir? I'm sorry sir, it just makes no sense to me."

"There is no need to apologize for asking what's on your mind," Ichi reassured Rodan. Padding over to the red feline, he gently bumped his head against the other's shoulder. Looking Rodan in the eye, Ichi replied, "I want the humans, and Mosura if we don't kill her, to feel just a little bit of hope that they might just be able to save the cub. Then at the last second, I will slaughter that baby right before their very eyes. I want to see that hope die inside them. I want them to be afraid and to live in terror. I want them to know that we are meant to be feared."

"Yes sir, I see now," Rodan commented with a bow of his head. Draping his tail across the red cat's shoulders, Ichi smiled and stated, "I'm glad you see it, because I want you to deliver the baby to me." Everyone else gasped in unison when they heard that. Rodan himself was surprised but delighted. Bowing deeply, he declared, "I am honored sir, thank you for this opportunity."

"You're welcome," Ichi replied before adding, "We attack at the first light of dawn tomorrow. Rest well and be prepared to get our revenge."

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