Chapter 9

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The morning sun was rising higher into the sky, and so was Godzilla's annoyance with Anguirus. The black kaiju cat hadn't the slightest idea of how to get rid of the fella. He just would not stop talking. Or following him for that matter. Godzilla could tell that he was going to reach his breaking point sometime soon. He didn't know when though, but it was coming.

"And so my sixth girlfriend decided to dump me because of the color of my fur," Anguirus concluded another story of his personal life. Sighing heavily, he kicked a pebble absentmindedly as he mumbled, "She said I looked like a blueberry."

"Clearly, she must be blind," Godzilla muttered. Anguirus raised his head. Was his traveling buddy actually siding with him? His spirits lifted. "That's what I told myself!" he exclaimed, wagging his tail delightfully. His attitude quickly turned sour though when Godzilla continued, "You can't be a blueberry with that spiky fur. You look more like a porcupine who dyed his fur with blueberry juice."

"You are the most shrewd kaiju cat I have ever met in my entire life!" Anguirus spat angrily. Stomping forward, he put himself in Godzilla's path, causing him to stop. Pointing one claw in the larger feline's face, the blue kaiju cat went on with his lecture, "All I'm doing is trying to be friendly. But you are making that very difficult right now! Honestly, you act like you have no emotions whatsoever!"

"I don't have any emotions," Godzilla muttered.

"I'm not finished!" Anguirus shouted. Huffing, he sat down in the dirt and growled, "Emotions might do you some good! I don't know what your deal is but whatever it is it shouldn't be affecting your attitude with the world!" Rolling his eyes, Godzilla replied, "Actually, it can. Now if you have such a problem with me and my severe lack of emotions, why don't you find someone else who might care. You said you had a family, go find them."

"Were you listening to any of my stories?! My family abandoned me! I don't have anyone!" Anguirus cried in anguish. The anger slowly leaving his body, he trembled and whimpered, "Please, just let me stay. I don't have anyone else. No one but you." He lowered his head and sobbed.

Watching Anguirus cry his eyes out, Godzilla huffed. Great. Now he had a crybaby to deal with. The past twenty four hours have not been his friend at all. "Stop your sobbing," he rumbled. Walking around the blue kaiju cat, he murmured, "Go south like everyone else. Then you'll have someone to look after you. Just leave me alone."

"What- I'm not done with you yet buster!" Anguirus retorted. Scrambling to his paws, he raced after Godzilla. However, he ran smack dab into the larger feline's rear end. Collapsing in a heap, he laid there for a second or two. At last, he pulled himself up and trotted over to face Godzilla. However, his companion was frozen stiff with either shock or fear. Maybe both. He was staring at something up ahead. Confused, Anguirus followed his gaze.

It was Mosura.

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