Chapter 16

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"Be prepared for the freezing cold or else ya won't live to be old!" a troop of Leafwings called out, marching down a stretch of flat ground. They traveled along at an even pace, heading south. A few of the biggest ones dragged crudely built carts behind them. Some of the others would dash back and forth, placing things on those carts or taking something away. These included herbs, rocks and even a few melons. One scrawny Leafwing carrying a melon looked familiar to the group.

"Leafwings, ugh. Why does it always have to be Leafwings?" Godzilla growled. He and the rest of the group stood atop a cliff that overlooked the march. His tail lashing back and forth, Rodan muttered, "Tell me about it. I've heard of these crackpots, they think the world is ending." With the Mosura cub riding on his back, Anguirus pointed towards the cart carrying the melon as he asked, "How are we supposed to grab the melon now? We can't waltz right up to a pack of Leafwings and ask for something back."

"That's actually what we're going to do," Godzilla declared, standing up. The black kaiju cat made his way down the cliff and padded up to the marching Leafwings before anyone could stop him. Groaning, Anguirus got to his paws and followed, still carrying the kitten. "Wait up Godzilla I'm coming!" he called. Sitting up, Rodan waved goodbye to them as he meowed, "You two have fun getting killed without me!"

"Intruder!" one young Leafwing crowed, spotting the bigger kaiju cats coming closer. The element of surprise was no more. Godzilla and Anguirus were completely surrounded by Leafwings. And there were many of them too. Hearing the kitten whimper on his back, Anguirus did his best to calm her down. Godzilla, meanwhile, stood in front of them protectively as he announced, "Look we don't want any trouble, we're just here for the melon. It is ours and one of your comrades stole it."

"Too bad, it's ours now. You should've been quicker fatty," an elderly Leafwing remarked, stepping forward with other Leafwing elders. His ears laying flat against his head, Godzilla hissed, "I'm not fat, I'm muscular. Now give us the melon!" Clearing his throat, Anguirus piped up, "Perhaps try asking nicely." Laughing, the elderly Leafwing sneered, "You're still not getting that melon. It's ours, we need it for the incoming ice age and the end of the world."

"So, you only got one melon?" Godzilla questioned, raising one eyebrow as he glanced at the fruit. All of the Leafwings turned and looked at their precious food stash. Cursing under his breath, the Leafwing elder growled through clenched teeth, "If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead then doom on you!" Creeping closer, the rest of the Leafwing pack chanted in an eerie whisper, "Doom on you, doom on you."

"Get away from me," Godzilla ordered, his tail lashing. When one scrawny Leafwing got within range, the huge black kaiju cat swatted the smaller feline away like they were nothing. That little cat went flying through the air before landing with a thud. They did not get up. A collective gasp swept through the Leafwings as they turned and glared at the intruders. "Um, sorry?" Godzilla muttered, visibly cringing. Shaking his head in disappointment, Anguirus whimpered, "We're so dead."

"ATTACK!" the Leafwing elder spat, his fur bristling. Hissing in unison, the pack leapt forward and tackled Godzilla. The large feline was buried underneath a swarm of tinier cats. "Godzilla! Hang on buddy I'll save you!" Anguirus shouted. Bunching his muscles together, the blue kaiju cat jumped at the swarm with the intent to get them off Godzilla. However, he instead belly flopped on everyone. Sitting all by herself watching the fight, the Mosura cub clapped her paws and giggled in happiness. Noticing she was alone, Rodan purred, "Perfect..." Getting up, he silently crept down the cliff.

"Anguirus, get off! You're not helping!" Godzilla yelled angrily. Jumping up suddenly, the black kaiju cat was able to throw everyone off of his back. His gray spots already glowing blue, he ordered, "Just grab the melon and the cub! I'll catch up!" Stumbling to his paws, Anguirus nodded his head and wheezed, "Yeah, okay. Just... let me catch my breath-"


"Alright alright!" Anguirus exclaimed, picking up the pace. Rushing over to the cart, he snatched the melon. Next up was the Mosura cub. When he turned around though, the blue kaiju cat realized with horror that the kitten was nowhere to be seen. "Little cub? Sweetie? Where are you?!" Anguirus cried, panic setting in. He ran around back and forth along the edges of the battlefield calling for the kitten. Unbeknownst to him, someone else was calling for her.

"Come here little one, come to Uncle Rodey," Rodan whispered, beckoning the Mosura cub to him. Practically dragging herself to him, the kitten giggled happily and squeaked, "Wodey!" Frowning as he grabbed the cub by her scruff, the red kaiju cat grumbled, "Don't call me that again."

"I can't find her!" Anguirus wailed, absolutely terrified. Fighting with a bunch of Leafwings clinging to his back, Godzilla roared, "You lost her?!" At that moment, a Leafwing shouted, "The blue one has the melon!" Immediately, Anguirus found himself being tackled by three Leafwings. He let out a bloodcurdling scream, causing the melon to drop and hit the ground, smashing to pieces. Upon seeing the demolished fruit, the Leafwings howled in despair before scattering.

"That's just great you idiots. Now we have to find more food!" Rodan's voice hissed. Godzilla and Anguirus looked up to see the red kaiju cat trotting over with the Mosura cub hanging in his jaws. Setting the kitten down, he faced the other two males as he berated them, "You had one job, get food for the kid. And ya couldn't even do that!"

"Guys, look," Godzilla interrupted, his attention focused on something besides the outraged feline. Anguirus and Rodan looked over. Sitting in the middle of the smashed melon, the Mosura cub was happily munching on the pieces. Looking up at the adults with juice dripping down her chin, she gave them a friendly smile and wave. Breathing a sigh of relief, Anguirus collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. "Right," Godzilla sighed, "I suppose we could camp for the night."

"Yes please," Anguirus begged.

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