Chapter 18

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Sorry everyone, I know this is a little late for Godzilla Day which is November 3rd, I just had other stuff to deal with. But hey, better late than never.

The morning sun slowly rose in the sky, its light reaching out to touch everything in sight. Feeling the warm rays against his dark colored fur, Godzilla began to stir from his slumber. Blinking his eyes open, he let out a big yawn. Licking the fur on his shoulder absentmindedly, the large kaiju cat gazed down at his empty paws, where a certain kitten should've been. Instead, there was nothing.

The Mosura kitten was amazing.

Rodan was actually having a wonderful dream when the ground suddenly shook. Startled, the red furred kaiju cat jumped to his feet. Towering over the other feline, Godzilla bared his teeth and bellowed, "Where's the kitten Fangface?!"

"You idiot! You can see I don't have the little chica! Wait, did you lose her?!" Rodan hissed, his tail lashing angrily. Maybe it was the tension in the atmosphere between them but Godzilla could've sworn he could feel heat. And he hated to admit it but it was pretty clear that Rodan didn't have the cub. She was nowhere to be seen. And frankly, she wasn't the only one missing. Looking at the other feline, Godzilla could tell Rodan was thinking the same thing.

"Anguirus!" both kaiju cats roared at the same time.


"Look Mosura, more berries! These ones are especially tasty and they last even during the frost!" Anguirus cried cheerfully, plucking off some blue colored berries off a bush. The Mosura kitten was grabbing all the ones on the lower branches, considering she could only reach those ones. But that clearly didn't bother her, she was happily giggling all the while. In fact, both kiddos were having so much fun that they didn't realize someone was right behind them until it was too late.

"I wouldn't eat those ones Anguirus, they've got a sour aftertaste," Godzilla's deep voice rumbled from behind Anguirus. The blue furred kaiju cat didn't even have time to react when he got smacked on the back side of his head. "And what is the matter with you?!" Godzilla added, wiping the berry juice off the Mosura kitten's tongue before picking her up by her scruff. Recovering from the blow he had received, Anguirus exclaimed, "We weren't doing anything wrong!"

"I don't want to hear it Anguirus, not this early in the morning!" Godzilla called over his shoulder as he whisked the cub away. Anguirus was about to give chase when he stopped in his tracks. The berries did have a sour aftertaste, and it was very sour. Whining in despair as his tongue hung out of his mouth, the blue feline bolted, frantically searching for a water source. However, he ran into someone blocking his path. Scrambling to his feet, Anguirus stammered, "Excuse me, I need to find... oh no..."

"Hokmuto," Femuto growled through clenched teeth. Standing next to the female MUTO, her mate Hokmuto muttered, "Easy Femuto." Anguirus screamed in terror.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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