Chapter 6

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"Phew! I am bushed!" Anguirus commented. Godzilla huffed and rolled his golden yellow eyes in annoyance. The blue colored kaiju cat had followed him all day long. He was sick of hearing him talk about his personal life, like friends and family. He really didn't want to hear that kind of crap.

"If I might ask Big G," Anguirus piped up, using a nickname he had given Godzilla sometime during the day, "Why do you have that large bundle of wood on your back?" Growling, Godzilla turned around to face the other feline. "Would you want to freeze at night? I'm building a shelter for myself!" he snapped. Tilting his head to the side in confusion, Anguirus mumbled, "Oh. But why bother with a shelter when you can build a fire?"

"Excuse me, what now?" Godzilla questioned, setting his wood down. Holding up the two spindly branches he had managed to find, Anguirus nodded his head and explained, "The humans do this all the time to keep warm. It's worth a shot, don't you think?" Puffing his chest out pridefully, he meowed, "I know what you're going to say, I am a genius."

"No, you're a total idiot. Look, humans build fires, tools and weapons. We build shelters, families and survival skills," Godzilla responded. With that, he turned his back to Anguirus and began work on his shelter for the night. Sitting down with his two thin branches, Anguirus muttered, "Please, shelters are lame! You wanna look like a real wildcat, the kind who can survive anywhere! Heck, you breathe fire!" Working diligently, Godzilla grumbled irritably, "It's called an atomic breath."

"Fire breathing, atomic breath. Isn't it the same thing?"

"No, not really."

"Well, have fun building your wooden shelter," Anguirus stated. Picking up his sticks, he announced, "Hope you're able to stay warm during the night. I know I will once I get this fire going." He began rubbing the sticks together as fast as he could. Looking up, the blue kaiju cat politely pointed out, "If you get cold, just now that you have my complete permission to sleep next to my fire." Rolling his eyes, Godzilla muttered, "Thanks. Good luck staying dry."

"Yes, thank you- wait, what now?"


Hours later. It was midnight, and it was raining. It was freezing rain too. And Anguirus was still trying to get a fire going. However, he was growing tired and he was soaking wet to the skin. He shivered greatly. Not too far away, Godzilla watched in silence. He had finished putting up his shelter hours ago, before the sun had gone down, before the rain even came. His face utterly expressionless, the black kaiju cat snorted quietly in amusement and remarked, "Hey, I think I saw a spark."

"Ha ha, very funny," Anguirus muttered sarcastically.

Nearby, Shin was also out in the rain. Thankfully, his brown fur was waterproof so he didn't have much to worry about there. But he was freezing cold. Sitting upon a hill, he silently watched the two kaiju cats down below. One looked like they were trying to build a fire. Their companion was laying inside a handy shelter they built hours ago. Shin wondered how he himself could stay warm. Then he remembered a unique ability he could do.

Taking deep raspy breaths, Shin arched his back. He could feel the heat building up inside of his body. The brown tabby waited a little bit before he exhaled. Suddenly, streams of purple light burst forth from the pink stripes along his back. They shot up and up, lighting up the stormy night sky with their vibrant color like a beacon.

"What the bloody heck is up with the light show?" Anguirus muttered, looking up from his failed attempt to make a fire. Godzilla huffed in annoyance before he got up and turned around in his shelter, hoping for peace and quiet.

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