Chapter 4

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Screaming at the top of his lungs, Anguirus ran as fast as he could. Sadly, it wasn't very fast. He was built for strength and durability, not speed and agility. He was a digger, not a runner. The odds were not in his favor today. In fact, nothing was going right today. His family had abandoned him again, he had missed the migration and now this! He glanced over his shoulder to see how far away his pursuers were. At the same time, he ran right into something.

"Hey! Watch it!" a voice snapped. Shaking his head, Anguirus looked up. His eyes met the golden yellow ones of a huge muscular black kaiju cat. Hearing the MUTOs coming, he scrambled to his feet. "Don't tell them I'm here!" he whimpered to the stranger before he hid behind them. The MUTOs arrived at that moment. "There he is!" Hokmuto shouted. Turning to the black cat, Femuto hissed, "Move out of the way. Our quarrel is with him, not you."

"Don't let them kill me! I wanna live!" Anguirus cried. He hugged the black cat's back leg. "Get off me!" the stranger snarled, shaking Anguirus off. The blue kaiju cat collapsed on the dirt in a heap. Hokmuto stepped forward and meowed, "You're making this worse than it needs to be!" A sinister grin on her face, Femuto purred, "I'll tell you what. I'll snap your neck so you don't feel a thing. How does that sound?"

"Whoa, wait a second there crazy lady. I thought MUTOs only ate radioactive waste," the stranger pointed out. "Who says we're going to eat him after we kill him?" Femuto retorted. Puffing his chest out, Hokmuto added, "Yeah, so move it buddy." Adjusting his stance to look more intimidating, the black cat remarked, "You know, I don't like animals who kill only for the pleasure of killing." Anguirus took notice that the stranger's gray spots flickered on and off with a blue light. Unmoved despite the intimidation display, Femuto growled, "Save it for a kaiju cat who cares."

"I'm a kaiju cat who cares," Anguirus chimed into the conversation.

"Look, I'll make a deal with you two," the stranger declared. Gesturing to the ground in between the four of them, he explained, "If either of you two can get across that pit of quicksand, you can have this guy." The MUTOs froze in fear. Quicksand?! There was no way across. Their prey and his protector were on the edge of a narrow cliff. If there was a pit of quicksand in between the two groups, then there was no way of getting to the blue kaiju cat. Accepting defeat, the couple backed away. "Ha!" Anguirus yowled, "That's right losers! You take one step and you're dead!" He stepped forward and kicked a rock at the MUTOs.

That same rock bounced and rolled across the "quicksand" with no trouble before stopping at the feet of the MUTOs.

"You were bluffing, weren't you?" Anguirus asked. Frozen in place, the stranger murmured, "Yeah. Yeah, that was a bluff." The two shared a moment of awkward silence before Anguirus slowly backed away to hide behind his protector again. "Get him!" the MUTOs shouted, rushing forward. The stranger sighed heavily. What a day. His eyes turning blue, he reared up on his back legs and shot a ray of blue flames at them.

Seeing the flames, Hokmuto nimbly leaped out of the way. Femuto wasn't so lucky though and took a direct hit to the face. Anguirus watched in terror as Hokmuto leaped up and tackled the stranger from behind. Letting out a thundering roar, the black kaiju cat bucked to and fro, trying to shake his attacker off. Eventually he did. Before Hokmuto could try again, the stranger whirled around and whacked him with his long tail, sending him flying through the air.

"We did it!" Anguirus cried triumphantly. His savior turned to face him. At the same time, Femuto managed to get back on her feet and charged. With a surprising amount of strength, she was able to knock both Anguirus and the stranger over the edge of the cliff. She almost joined them. Thankfully she didn't and so she stood on the edge, watching them tumble head over heels down the steep slope. At last, they arrived at the bottom. Laying on top of his hero, Anguirus mumbled, "Um, thanks for saving me."

"Get off of me," the stranger grumbled. Not even waiting for a reply, he stood up and shook the weight off. Collapsing in a heap, Anguirus murmured, "You're supposed to say you're welcome or it was no problem at all." Rolling his eyes, the stranger growled, "Buzz off kid." Huffing, Anguirus turned to head back the way he came. Unfortunately, that meant going up a cliff. And that wasn't even the worst part. Standing next to his mate, Hokmuto shouted, "Wait til we get down there! We're not done with you yet!"

"I just had a wonderful idea! Can I hangout with you on the way south?" Anguirus asked, running after the stranger. Not even looking back, the black kaiju cat commented sarcastically, "Oh yeah sure. Here, I'll even give you a ride on the way there." His face lighting up with delight, Anguirus exclaimed, "Wow! Really?"


"Wait, you're not even going south," Anguirus pointed out, realizing where they were. The stranger rolled his eyes again and remarked, "No kidding Sherlock. Go away." Shaking his head, Anguirus trotted alongside his savior as he meowed, "That's actually not a bad idea, heading north. Down south it's just gonna be crowded. We'll be the only ones up here."

"You just want a bodyguard."

"Can I at least get the name of my so-called bodyguard?"


"Well, Godzilla, it's just you and me now!"

"Stop following me."

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