Chapter 20

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"Hey! Wait up guys! Don't leave a fellow kaiju behind!" Anguirus shouted, sprinting as fast as he could to catch up with Godzilla and Rodan. This was easier said than done, considering he was not built for snow. A wave of relief washed over the blue furred kaiju cat when he saw the others stop. Finally catching up, he sat down and exclaimed, "Thanks for waiting."

"Three, two, one," Godzilla and Rodan counted down. At that moment, the geyser Anguirus was sitting on went off, sending the spiky furred kaiju cat flying into the air. Mosura giggled when she saw this. Snorting in amusement, Godzilla rumbled, "Sure is faithful. Come on, let's go."

"AHHH!!!" Anguirus screamed on his descent, crashing face first into the geyser.


The snow had finally stopped falling, allowing the sun to come out for a spell. It was relatively peaceful as the small group made their way through the snowy terrain. The peace didn't last long though.

It was Anguirus's turn to watch over Mosura. The blue furred kaiju cat smiled as he felt the small kitten running up and down along his back. At least she wasn't falling off. He looked around at his surroundings, admiring the scenery.

That's when his ear was chomped on.

"Ow. Mosura, could... could you let go?" Anguirus pleaded through clenched teeth. He winced as Mosura suddenly turned and bit down on his other ear. Crying out in pain, he tried shaking his head. This didn't work as the cub squealed and attacked his ears some more. One well aimed blow from her little murder talons caused him to yell, "OWWW!!!"

"Don't make me reach back there!" Godzilla snarled, not even looking back over his shoulder. Struggling to get Mosura to stop her attack, Anguirus complained, "She started it!" Godzilla immediately retorted, "I don't care who started it, I'll finish it!"


"Finally, some water," Rodan grumbled to himself. Laying down at the edge of the riverbank, he bent his head down to get a drink when Anguirus, carrying Mosura, dashed into the river with Godzilla hot on their tails, splashing him in the process. Soaking wet, Rodan bit his tongue before he started a screaming match. He had a better idea. Laying back down, he dipped his tail in the water.

"There, a bath doesn't hurt, does it?" Godzilla growled as he dunked Anguirus under the surface. Wading in the shallows, Mosura squeaked. Eyeing her, the black kaiju cat pointed out, "You're next!"

"Hot! Hot hot hot!" Anguirus yowled on his first breath of air. The blue kaiju cat scrambled out of the river. Feeling the water burning- no, scalding his skin and fur, Godzilla looked around frantically. Steam wafted from the river and the water boiled violently. Yelping, he grabbed Mosura on his exit out of the hot water, passing Rodan. Content, the red kaiju cat drank like there was nothing wrong.


"Be careful, this is slippery," Godzilla cautioned the group as they began crossing a large piece of ice balancing precariously on a rock in the middle of a gorge. The ice acted like a bridge. Trotting alongside Godzilla, Anguirus purred, "Aww, I knew you cared." Huffing, the black kaiju cat kept walking, causing the ice to lower down to the other side of the gorge. Trailing behind, Anguirus was almost across when Godzilla stepped off the ice. The ice bridge instantly tilted up, knocking Anguirus back.


Carrying the Mosura cub on his back on his babysitting shift, Anguirus looked up at his traveling companions. Rodan was way up front tracking. Godzilla, meanwhile, was trudging through the snow like it wasn't there.

This was a golden opportunity to strike.

Setting Mosura down for a moment, Anguirus quickly and quietly rolled a small snowball. Holding it in his paw carefully, he mouthed to the Mosura cub silently, "Watch this." Then he chucked it at Godzilla, striking him in the rump. Hissing from the cold, the larger feline turned around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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