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"And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter"

There is a certain chill in the air that Rebecca chooses to ignore as the day drones on.

She and Cherry walked side by side, their skirts swishing in the fall air.

"You got any plans for Halloween?" Cherry questioned.

Rebecca stared off into space. She can't remember the last time she had a decent Halloween. It's been so long since the world felt normal. She turned back to Cherry, only to glance back off into the dimming sky once again.

"Probably not. I might take Will out for trick or treating."

"That's always nice, I wish I had siblings."

Rebecca laughed as she thought back to the one sibling she had. To mistake Rebecca' love for Will with a burden she must carry is anything but intimate truth. However, she can't help but feel as if she and Will are on completely different planets, no matter how hard she tries to connect with him.

"They're something, that's for sure."

Cherry looked as if she were about to say something, but she stopped last second as they walked off school property. It was October 30th, only one day before Halloween.

"Listen," Cherry began. "I heard the rumors. About you and Dallas and all."

My heart dropped just slightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner—"

"Don't be," She said, waving me off. "I'm mainly lost on how you went from hating him to keeping you two on the down-low."

"About that," My pursed lips faded as I turned directly face her, allowing us to stop in our tracks. "How about I stop to give you somewhat of the full story?"

Time went on, and so did my personal interpretation of Dallas and me. One question remained on the rise as Cherry listened attentively, her brows furrowing when Rebecca brought up the lows, and her smile gleaming when the highs came out into the light.

But back to the question. The main thought that lives in Rebecca' mind rent free.

"How come you aren't you angry with him?"

That's a good question. A question that Rebecca still went on to ponder even as her mind shifted. It may surprise many that she finds herself to be anything but infuriated by just the premise of him.

If anything, she is frustrated. But enraged? Not a chance.

After all this time, she has come to somewhat understand why he acts the way he does. In short, she has come to the consensus that he is afraid, just like her. Perhaps her ways of acting have rubbed off on him. But if there is one thing she is sure of, it is that he runs away from what he knows is evident and clear.

She understands what it's like to be so scared of being locked in one place. For she has been in a position similar to that. And maybe this similarity is stretched out, but out of everything, it remains inevitable that this truth connects them.

He is using pushing her out as a coping mechanism, as hard as a pill that is to swallow.

Rebecca sucked in a breath. "I wish I was angry with him, trust me I do. If I was, I'd be a lot less afraid of the future."

"You know you don't have to do this." Cherry blurted out of the blue.

"Do what?" I said, raising an eyebrow out of curiosity.

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