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"As all the heavens were a bell, And being, But an ear, and I, and silence, some strange race. wrecked, solitary, here"

So often would Rebecca dream of a world that used precaution. A world that truly thought before they were insanely reckless, only crossing the bridge between borderline insanity.

But she dreamed of it for a reason. Because the life she was set for was anything but full of peace.

"Who do you think did it?"

Eric clasped his palms together. "Narrowing down the list ain't gonna work."

The sun has come up, only making the ashes more visible to the common human gaze. Rebecca remembers the tragedy of last week far too well than she'd like to.

For when her mind returns back to her desperation to believe that this is all a dream, she is pulled back once again. Pulled right back into this world that will never be worth saving.

Dallas was so caught off guard, he was unsure of what to do. Eric meant nothing to him, in all honesty. He never had seen someone so emotional over something like this. But within all of the mixed incidents, Dallas saw full rawness as the shadow of the flames raked over her figure.

She insisted that he take her home, Dallas agreed.

Rebecca had more flashbacks of her previous life than she ever has before.

That night, as she lay in bed, her mind raced back to all the bestowed memories that she thought she was rid of. But along with this loss of contempt thinking came an onrush of previous events that she continuously shoved away.

But she knew, she knew indefinitely, that she can never let go of her past.

I remember only a week ago I had looked into the mirror in my bedroom, acting like a schoolgirl excited for her first date when Dallas was about to pick me up. Only now, I recognize how we see ourselves in mirrors, it all depends on the situation.

As I carelessly glanced into the sink mirror every few seconds as I splashed my face with cold water, all I could think about was one thing.


Shivers rolled down my spine whenever my mind came back to that newfound memory that won't resolve itself. But within all of this contempt, the blatant racism that I tried so hard to ignore, the waves of hatred I could sense between the groups of people.

Do I restore her legacy, or do I allow her noble actions to slide? Ever since she passed, it felt as if everyone I knew was begging me to forget. So I tried. I tried to the best of my ability but I couldn't.

Meghan gave me a glimpse of the other side, a glimpse that made me realize just how privileged I am to even have a home where I can lie my head.

But then again, when did Meghan' activism get her anywhere but dead? Meghan' cause was noble, but as selfish as it sounds, Rebecca wishes it didn't have to take Meghan away from her.

All day, Rebecca merely stared, lost in a daydream that seemed frighteningly never ending to the rest of the world. She was lost in a daze, staring at objects that didn't even matter.

For every day had become this escapade of falling into this deep, dark hole that she couldn't crawl out of. The past has taken her, and she can't escape.

Only this habit that seemed to be resurfacing couldn't possibly do her any good in the long run. For it was that very afternoon, in her political science class, where the teacher found the perfect excuse to humiliate the girl.

This teacher was what one would call a woman hater. With his distasteful grin, disrespectful actions, and most of all, his lack of enjoyment that surged through him when he was around the opposite sex.

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