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"There is a prospect greater than the sea, and that is the sky; there is a prospect greater than the sky, and it is the human soul"

A/N: Sorry for the very long wait! The chapter is finally out though, my writers block was terrible but I finally finished it.

"Why did you have to come here?"

Her voice sounds as if it is reeling with desperation.
Like she is fighting to understand him. She didn't want it to turn out like this. For now they are both in deep trouble, but Rebecca could care less about herself. It's Dallas she fears for.

"I was saving your life."

She's silent for a moment, mainly because she knows he's right. Crossing her arms, she looks down at the body of her father and wants to gag, cry, scream, everything.

He's correct. He did save her life. But at what cost?

Sinking to the floor, she can't even cry. "What have I done Dallas."

He sits next to her. "You did nothing. But now you're doin' what you always did. Blaming yourself when you didn't do shit."

"That wasn't self defense. We're going to go to jail."

"I'm going to jail. Like hell I'll let you in there."

She wipes a tear from her eye. "This isn't just vandalizing the local corner store Dallas, this is different."

Now she can feel the tears. She then looks directly at him, straight into his eyes. Wiping her tears, she can't seem to find the right words to say.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me doll."

"I might never see you again."

He pauses, his posture noticeably stiffening. "That's not true."

"You know it is," She says. "And you know I can't live without you Dallas."

These words are sudden and abrupt, but they're not surprising despite her blurting them out of the blue. For Dallas has done bad things, while Rebecca has also made plenty of mistakes in her life. However, they both cannot ignore that even in the most treacherous of times, they still found their ways back to each other. Maybe it seems random that Rebecca went from hating Dallas to knowing she loves him, but isn't this the summation of this entire story? How hate can turn to love in the blink of an eye? How love has connected both Rebecca and Dallas throughout the good and the bad?

"I'm not letting you go alone," she states, looking down at the floor.

"No way in hell."

"I'm taking the blame with you."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

They're standing now as Dallas gets more and more frustrated. He takes ahold of her shoulders, his eyes looking frustrated but purely upset at the same time. He looks like a mess, but he's still trying so desperately to keep everything together.

"You don't believe that I'd serve a life sentence if it meant keeping you out of my shit? Hell, you got so much to live for so why don't you just leave me and let me help you?"

"Because I could care less about living a peaceful life! What I want is to be with you. I don't want to go through an exciting life if it's not with you."

He doesn't know what to say to that. But as he stares at her as if she is impossible, he realizes they need to leave. Now. Besides, maybe if they get on the run, they can abandon this whole topic. At least, at the moment.

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