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"We do sometimes pity creatures that have none of the feeling either for themselves or others"

A/N: That moment when there's two chapters left

Jane Austen once said: "there could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved."

Anne and Captain Wentworth were the epitome of lovers who were stricken by one another from the beginning. But despite this entrancement, there was still that capacity for Anne to betray Wentworth.

Of course it had been the effect of "over persuasion" as Austen called it, but it does not dismiss the heartbreak. It does not erase the life they could have lived. To betray someone means to potentially ruin another being. And Frederick alone, at the time, felt ruined. He left because he could not bear to see her face anymore, and that was the end.

But despite still seeing one another once again, Anne came to the realization that nothing could possibly change. For the betrayal sank deep into the marrow of his bones. He knew he could never forgive her, for she had made her decision.

And now Rebecca stays sitting in a diner booth. The ice watering her drink down as she unfortunately, thinks about him. She knows she can never forgive him for this. For ruining them. She hates that they are now a memory in her mind. How they will never be what they once were. How he remains a force of nature that she so desperately wants to forget, yet it feels impossible to ever lose sight of him.

I was waiting on him to show up, anxious about what he was going to tell me. Maybe this was an impulsive decision, for it wasn't even a few days after I had seen Dallas that I decided to confront Tim. But I needed to know. I need to know the truth.

Finally, he walks through the door and is looking around, taking off his sunglasses once he realizes he sees me. Sliding into the booth, he looks smug, but he hides it well. It's as if he's telling me "I told you so," yet we both know he couldn't care less.

My throat feels dry as he hits there, staring at me, asking me without asking me why I wanted to meet him there. Pursing my lips, I stick my hand in my pocket and take out the money, handing to him.

He looks at the cash in my hand and gives me a questioning look. "So you're in deep with Winston, huh?"

I don't know why I'm doing this for him. He hurt me yet I don't want to see anything drastic happen to him. I know I shouldn't give a damn about him but I still find myself somehow handing him the money.

"I'm helping him out one time."

"The last time." She said in her mind.

"Yeah that's what all his broads say when they pay for his bail."

"Why don't you just tell me what you know," I said, completely aware I was ignoring his question. "Just take the money already."

Shrugging, he took the money, looking back up at me with a slight devious grin.

"I'd tell you to say please but I'm not all that nice myself," He chuckled. "You sure you wanna hear all of it?"

"Tell me everything that you know."

"Well then," He started. "Let's just dive right in. To tell you the truth, everything they've all been telling you, it's all bullshit. That aunt of yours isn't who she says she is, Dallas is a liar but I reckon you knew that from the beginning. But here's how it all started." He says as he takes a sip of coffee.

"My dad walked out on me and my brother cause he said he couldn't do it. Course he still shows up every now and then, but the real reason he walked out was cause of this girl he was seein'. You see, he knocked her up at sixteen, she was almost seventeen. She left out of the blue, never telling him she was even pregnant, so he didn't know until years later. He already had me and my brother, Curly, but it was a mess with us. So when a baby gets dumped on our doorstep and my old man got stuck with 3 kids, he was angry at the girl for not tellin' him an all. She kept it a secret, but it didn't last very long. That secret made me and my brother land on the streets when I was seven and he was five, our old man gone, with our baby sister for a good few weeks until he let us back in. You got any guesses who this woman was?"

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