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"Now it seems to me that love of some kind is the only possible explanation of the extraordinary amount of suffering that there is in the world"

A/N: Allow me to address the elephant in the room. I know it has been so long since I posted the last chapter. I have been completely swamped with school but I want these final 5 chapters to be strong! I'm writing 60 chapters for this book so just hang tight! I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

Kristina Davis


There are certain times in our lives where we must choose what we want to prioritize. In Kristy's case, she has two options. These options being so difficult, she would rather drown in a world of insecurity than choose.

But when Eleanor proposed an ultimatum, Kristy knew she must make a choice.

For context, Kristy has been battling her own inner conscience for some time now. She feels an immense amount of guilt for what she did to her child. She left her without a mother, only for her bastard of a father to be her caretaker. And all this is happening while Kristy lives blissfully.

Kristy is not adamant on the idea that all women who bear children that do not want them should feel guilty. That is not what she wants to say at all. She believes that if a woman does not want a child, she does not want a child. Yes, Kristy did not want a child, but it is too late now. She can't help her inner conscience feeling guilty over the fact that she abandoned her own daughter.

Standing in their kitchen, the kitchen where they built memories, the kitchen that belonged to them, Eleanor had just heard the news.

"And you never thought to tell me?" She accused.

"I wanted to tell you so many times —"

"But you didn't," She snapped. "Because that's the thing Kristy. You are a woman with too many secrets. I know we all have things we want to hide, but how could you tell me I'm the one person that means the most, and yet you keep this information from me. I can't do the secrets anymore Kristy. I mean god damn it a kid? You have a kid and you never told me?"

"What do you want me to say? I gave you everything and now you're discarding all that cause of this?"

"This is a situation bigger than you think and I wish you'd take it more seriously," She huffed, crossing her arms.

It was then that Kristy realized something. Behind these hurtful words was a girl who has been hurt. Because in truth, Kristy knows what she did was hurtful, but she is a stubborn woman. And despite her feeling bad for hurting her, she wanted to stay angry. That, in the end, is the conflict she is facing.

The battle of choice.

When tears began to prick from Eleanor's eyes, she knew she could not stay mad, nor frustrated. She loves her too much to even attempt at anger. Wiping at her eyes, with her back turned to Kristy, she turned around to face her. Her face the embodiment of fear mixed with sorrow.

"I don't want to let you go..." She said, her words hardly audible.

Kristy wrapped her arms around her. "Baby I don't want to let you go either, that's why we should talk about this."

Suddenly, she felt her stiffen. "Too many times... too many times I've been cheated. I can't go on a merry go round any more Kristy," She stopped, her next words being practically choked out. "All I ask from you, is to be the woman you choose,"

"You are the woman I choose,"

Breaking free from her arms, Eleanor made it so that they were directly face to face. Their lips so close to each other as Kristy looked at Eleanor with desperation, while Eleanor looked mournful.

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