29 | The begining of a plan

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Dianna woke up to an empty bed. She sat up, stretching as she did so. "Ransom...ransom" she mumbled but there was no response. Looking over to his side of the bed she saw a small piece of paper, she lifted it beginning to read it.

'Morning sweetheart, I had to go out and get some more milk and eggs. I shouldn't be that long'

She chuckled, the thought of ransom doing something so domestic like going to the supermarket was hard to contain. She decided to get up and wait for ransom to come home, she went into his closet grabbing his white sweater pulling it over her.

Dianna walked downstairs throwing herself on the sofa, turning the tv on waiting on ransom to return.


Ransom had made sure to wake up early this morning. Leaving the house at 8am, he left a note for Dianna. He knew she wouldn't wake up until around 10 with it being her day off so he could just say he went to the supermarket but realistically he was outside of Louis apartment. He wanted to see what he done on his day off, he wanted to know how he could plan the 'accident' without drawing suspicion to himself.

He lowered his head as Louis walked out, jumping in his car. As Louis began to drive away ransom decided to follow him. As soon as Louis turned onto the highway ransom knew it would be harder to follow him, he tried his best. Always keeping him in sight but it wasn't long until he lost him. Ransom sighed, he decided it would be best just to go home. He would try again later but he couldn't go home just yet, he had to get the milk and the eggs. Keep his cover up.

Ransom parked his car jumping out, walking towards the supermarket. He walked past Louis car- he stopped himself, taking a few steps back. He chuckled looking at the car he was looking for. He knew he couldn't follow him out it would look too suspicious, but ransom wasn't stupid he had planned for situations like this. He jogged back to his car opening the trunk grabbing a small bag. He moved quickly, he knew if he was caught it would ruin everything. Once he was back at the car he pulled a small tracking device out of the bag, attaching it to the car. He pulled his phone out double checking that it worked before walking back to his car throwing the bag back in the trunk.

As he walked past Louis car once more he smirked slightly. He walked into the supermarket going straight for the milk and eggs, he really didn't want to waste anytime here.

Ransom pulled his card out, putting it in the machine as he stood at the self service check out. He looked up out the large windows at the front of the shop, he watched as Louis got back in his car driving away. He grabbed the items and his card before leaving the shop, going straight home


"I'm home!" Ransom called throughout the house, closing the door behind him

Dianna came down the stairs smiling at him, he noticed her wet hair straight away "you went for a shower without me? You're no fun" he chuckled

She laughed stopping on the bottom step placing a small kiss on his lips "did you get everything?"

He nodded lifting the bag up  "yup"

"Good, I want an omelette" she spoke, walking into the open plan living area kitchen

"How about I make it this time? You go put your feet up, put a film on. Something we will both enjoy and I'll make us both an omelette"

"I like the sound of that" she smiled walking over to the sofa taking a seat

Ransom watched her laying on the sofa, he would never get sick of that sight. He smiled turning around beginning to cook.

As ransom cooked Dianna scrolled through Netflix trying to find something they would both enjoy. She sighed, catching ransoms attention. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I cant find anything we would both like" she pouted slightly, knowing exactly how to get what she wanted

He chuckled shaking his head as he put the two omelettes on the plates "just pick whatever you want, I don't mind"

"Thank you" she smiled pressing play on she's the man

He walked towards the sofa handing her the plate before sitting down "thank you my love" she smiled kissing his cheek

"What is this?" He asked, nodding towards the tv

"You've never seen 'she's the man'?" She asked, chuckling

He shook his head "nope"

"Oh my god, you're going to love this" she laughed turning the volume up

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