How to Hate

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Two Weeks Later



        "But, in order for it to be what she said, we have to conjugate it to the ... tu form, right?" Krys asked from inside the house.  Kadyn hid outside behind the bushes as she tried to look through the window without getting spotted.    

      "In oder to make it what she said , you have to change it to usted form."  Brittney purred, leaning around Krys' shoulder, her hair brushing down the side of his arm.

       Krys tensed and he realized he wasn't breathing.  He took a deep breath in and was intoxicated by her delicious perfume. 

       "So," she finished writing the sentence down, "that's what she said."  She referred to the statement on the paper in front of him.

        Kadyn tensed outside the window, her teeth started to grind together as jealousy welled up inside of her.

        "What?" he asked, looking up at her.

        Brittney smiled down at him, realizing what she -- herself -- had said.  She bit her lip and looked down at his.  Krys' mind went blank as he just sat there, unsure of what to do.  Brittney leaned in and pressed her lips to his.  He instinctively brought his hand up to her face and deepened the kiss.

        Kadyn covered her mouth,  got off of the ground and put every last ounce of effort into not just storming into Brittney's house and screaming at both of them until she was blue in the face.  That was the only thing she wanted to do at that point.  However, instead of doing that, she only took off running down the street to her car.

        Eventually, Krys removed his hand from Brittney's face and slowly backed out of the kiss. 

        "I should go."  He didn't meet her eyes as he started to gather his things. 

        "Or, you could stay,"  she ran her hand down his chest and kissed at his neck.

        "Dammit, Brittney," he pushed her off and stood up.  "You know that I am with Kadyn.  You know that.  Are you just that stupid to think that I'd throw away a gem like that just to pick up a rock that means absolutely nothing to me?  I wouldn't do that, I love Kadyn, and you sure as hell aren't about to change that."  He grabbed his bag and walked to the front door.

        Brittney scrambled for something -- anything --  to say,  "You can't just stop working on it with me."  She whined hopelessly.

        "I'm just going to start over and do it on my own."   He opened the door and stepped out.

        "What about me?"


He paused and turned to look at her, "You can go fuck yourself."

***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***

     "I hate him, Jacey!  I hate everything about him!  I never want to see his stupid face again!"  I screamed to Jacey through the phone between sobs.

     "Kadyn, come on.  I need you to calm down and to breathe.  What happened?"  I could hear Jacey's front door slam and her keys jingle from the other side of the phone.

     "I went over to her house -- she was..."  I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, I shut the door and slid my back down my bedroom door.  I covered my mouth and the tears just fell from my face.

     "I'll be there in five minutes, Kade.  Just hang on."  She hung up the phone, and I threw mine across the room. 

I brought my knees to my chest and buried my face.  I just sat there and cried for what felt like hours.  Before too long, Jacey was softly knocking on my bedroom door.

     "Let me in."  She spoke quietly.

I wiped my face and stood up.  I unlocked the door for her and walked over to my bed.

     "Kadyn?"  She opened the door and came over to me.  She sat on the foot of my bed and just waited.

     "He kissed her."  My heavy voice broke the silence in the tiny room.


      "Krys!  He kissed Brittany!  And I saw it!"  I wasn't crying anymore.  I was pissed beyond all belief.

Jacey looked at me as if she were waiting for a punch line.  "Wait, you're serious?  Kadyn.  It has to be some sort of a mistake.  Krystian is CRAZY about you.  There's no way he would cheat on you.  I mean, he has cheated with you ... but ... that doesn't mean anything.  Krys loves you, and I've never been so sure of something.  Maybe he'll talk to you and explain everything."

I heard my phone ding from my dresser.  My head snapped up and I looked over at it, but didn't get up.  Jacey reached over and grabbed it.  I saw her look down at the screen.

     "It's him."  She handed me my phone.  "He wants to know if he can come over."

I wiped my nose with my sleeve and looked down at the message.  Do you mind if I come over for a few minutes?

I mean, if you want to.

     "He's on his way."

     "Should I go?"  She asked.

     "Probably."  I nodded, tossing my phone back over to the dresser.

     "Alright,"  She stood up and kissed me on the forehead.  "But, I'm just a phone call away, remember that, okay?"

     "I love you, Jace."  I called after her as she walked downstairs.

     "Love you too, girl."

After a moment, I heard the click of the front door shutting, and soon after that, I could hear her car start, and she took off down the street.




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