4 Months Later

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        "So," I pulled back from his face, smiling.  "You gonna tell me why you brought me here?" I asked.

        "Kadyn."  Krys sighed, whining because I had stopped the kissing, yet again, to ask him what we were doing at a 'park' in the middle of no where.  He hopped off of the hood and opened the trunk to his old beat up car.  I could hear him pull something out of the trunk, and then him closing it again.  "You can't just ever leave anything alone, can you?"  He winked at me, pulling me off of his car and back in for another kiss.

        "Hey," I pushed on his chest, smiling, my breath catching in my chest, "Be nice to me," I faked a frown.

        "I like to think I am nice to you!"  He looked away, "Mostly," he grinned, reaching behind me.  

        "A skateboard?"  I asked.

        "I'm going to teach you how to skate."  He kissed me on the cheek before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the trails. 

I started to stumble backwards, shaking my head.  "Krys, no."  My eyes got wide.

        "Oh, come on!  You'll love it."  He turned and faced me.  His face filled with confusion as he noticed the look on my face.  "Hey, what's wrong?"

I chuckled nervously, "You don't seem to understand; I am a total klutz, Krys, this is a bad idea for so many different reasons... "

He wrapped his arms around me, "Oh.  Hey,"  he looked me in the eyes, a smirk spreading across his face, "I'll help you, I'll be there every second, I wont let anything happen to my girl, okay?" 

I felt my face heat up as I nodded. "Okay." I couldn't contain the smile that lit up my face.

        "No -- No, Kadyn," he tried to help me, but he only seemed to be able to double over with laughter.

        "Hey! Look! Just because I'm not a pro, doesn't make it okay to laugh at me!" I smacked him across the chest.  The movement made the board under me roll away, sliding out from under me and me falling flat on my ass.

Instead of laughing at me, like I was fully prepared to happen, he immediately ran over to me, "Oh my God, are you okay?  I'm so sorry, Kay?  Are you okay?"  

Now I was laughing, "Yes, I'm fine, hon.  No thanks to you!"

        "Don't scare me like that," he rubbed a hand down his face, anxiously.  "I think it's time to go."

        "What?  We just got here, Krys?  I dunno how to skate still... "  

        "You're bleeding,"  I looked at his face, his jaw was clenched.  I looked down at my foot, apparently the board had scraped my ankle as I fell.

        "Well, that's my fault for wearing flip flops, Krys, I'm okay, really.  It's fin -- What are you doing?" He picked me up, carrying me bridal style, leaving his board.

        "Hey," I looked up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck.  "What is it?"  When he didn't respond, I proceeded to kiss his cheek, "Talk to me."

He sat me down in the passenger seat, closing the door, without a word.  I watched as he walked back to the trail, grab his board, and put it back in the trunk.  He silently climbed into the driver's seat, slammed the door, started the engine, and quickly drove back to the main road.  I could literally feel the tension rolling off of him.  I just sat there, watching out the window, without a word.  As painfully awkward as it was, I knew he would tell me when he was ready.

We seemed to have drove around for almost three hours before he finally pulled over across the street from my house and slammed the car into park.  He forced his seat belt off, leaning over and hugging me.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, confused, but I waited patiently.  After a moment he pulled back, looking out the windshield.

        "I hurt you once," he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head.  I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.  "I just," he shrugged, "I had promised myself that I'd never do that to you again, that I wouldn't let myself, nor anyone else hurt you again, ever."

        "Krys, honey -- "

        "No, let me finish.  If I can't keep you from hurting yourself, how can I expect myself to not hurt you...  I know it's different, and I know you probably think I am blowing this way out of proportion, and maybe I am,"  he turned and faced me, cupping my face in his hand, "Kadyn, you are single-handedly the most important thing in my life.  I don't want anything to happen to you, physically or emotionally.  I already hurt you once, and ...  I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure nothing ever happens to you again.  Call me crazy, but, that includes small scrapes and bruises, okay?"

I felt a tear stream down my face as my smile grew bigger and bigger.  I nodded quickly, "Okay," I leaned in and kissed him, cutting off whatever he was just about to add.  This silly boy just makes me fall more and more in love with him everyday.  

I grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.  I felt his tongue softly trace my bottom lip, and I got lost in his kisses.  I climbed over the center console, and into his lap, tangling my fingers in his hair.  Our breaths grew heavy, and his hands grew cocky as he slid one up my shirt.  I pulled back, whispering in his ear, "You wanna go inside?"  

He bit his lip and nodded eagerly.  I fumbled for the door handle, falling out of the car, I stood up and looked in my driveway to see if my parents were home.

 But the only car I saw was a little red Focus.  

I froze where I stood, my eyes slowly moving to my front door where Maya stood, holding her purse, watching us from across the street.  Krys stepped out of his car, shutting the door, and grabbing my hand to pull me inside.  "What is it?"  He asked when I didn't move.


    "Maya," I breathed, pointing to my door.


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