Cliches for Days

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That weekend had been the longest weekend in the history of long weekends. I had gotten literally zero sleep. Krys and I had stayed up all night, every night that weekend, just texting back and forth. We talked about everything from music, to religious preferences, to family issues. Though, he didn't really talk to much about his family, I still felt like I learned so much about him.

He wants to get a scholarship to the University of Arkansas, and become a physical therapist. He adores his little sister, and would do anything for her. He isn't exactly the greatest with relationships; nothing seems to stick. He claims that he is the greatest at Rainbow Six on PlayStation 4. We literally talked about everything. And, now, I can't seem to get him off of my mind ...

I couldn't focus in any of my classes that Monday morning. He was all I thought about, those eyes, that smile, his personality -- all of him.

Oh my God. I've grown obsessed... Somebody help me, I thought.

"Kadyn?" The sound of Maya's voice made my head snap up off of the lunch table. "Are you alright?"

I laid my head down again and groaned.

No, Maya, I'm not ... I'm obsessed with a guy I barely know.

Had this ever happened to anyone else? You had never really spoke to a guy, or girl, and you just think, 'Hey, they're cute,' and occasionally drool over them, and that be the end of it. But, when he or she starts to actually pay some attention to you. Then they end up being any and everything you ever think about? No? That's just me? Damn. Maybe this is one of those cliche books. I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, are you gonna tell me what's wrong or not?" She demanded.

I looked up at my short, blonde best friend. "I'm fine. Just tired." I lied.

I've known Maya since Junior High. She was my closest and best friend of all time. There was not a thing in this world about me that she didn't know. She grew up -- just like most kids these days -- in a broken home. Her parents got divorced when she was six, and she spent the holidays trying to determine which parents house she wanted to go to. She dragged her little brother back and forth, while her older sister refused to even see their father. But, that's a story for another day.

Well, I mean, she knew everything about me, except the fact that I was totally, completely and entirely crushing hard on a guy I had barely even spoke to before!

I groaned.

"Kadyn, I've known you for four years, I think by now I can see through your bullshit!" Her newly-formed glare soon turned soft, she sighed and she placed her hand on my shoulder. "But if you don't wanna talk about it, you don't wanna talk about it." I looked up at her.

"There's nothing to talk about." I shrugged.

I looked at her face. She didn't believe me.

"Whatever." She got up and went to go dump her tray.

Generally, I wouldn't have hesitated to spout off all of the boring details of my boy dramas. But, this time, something felt off, and I was beyond embarrassed. I didn't even know this damn boy. Yet, I felt as if I had known him forever. Christ.

Krys and I had only been texting since Friday night. Yet, there it was, Monday morning and I couldn't get the kid out of my head. What's wrong with me? I thought to myself.

I had never been so boy crazy in my entire life.

I groaned a third time and I smacked my head back down on my arms that were crossed on the table, making a loud thump. I felt my head start to softly throb. I could hear Leslie and Wesley from across the table going on about the Chem test we were having next hour.

Then, "You know, that really can't be too healthy for you," followed by a chuckle.

I should have been shocked, but when I lifted my head and realized it was him, I was only a bit shaken. "Dammit, Krys. You can't just do that." I attempted to gather myself as I spoke. I faked a small, but nervous smile.

He was sitting in Maya's seat next to me.

"Sorry," He let out a laugh. "Didn't mean to scare you." He smiled down at me.

"It's okay," I returned with a smile of my own. I turned away..

"Are you blushing?" His grin widened, and my blush deepened.

"Uh, no." I kept looking at the floor. "Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy." I chuckled.

"Anyway ... What's up with you? I saw you in Algebra, you looked. I don't know, distracted." His voice was distant.

No... I wasn't distracted at all... I rolled my eyes.

"What was that?" He scoffed, laughing.

"What was what?" I mocked fake shock. "Anyway.. No, I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I scrambled. I reached, nervously across the table to take Leslie's apple from her tray. I needed something to distract me from his gorgeous face.

"You make it a habit to steal other people's food?" he smirked over at me.

I felt my mouth drop a bit as I gaped at him.

Leslie's voice broke me out of my trance.

"I wasn't going to eat it anyway." She was also gaping at him.

I tried not to let my glare show through as I looked up at her. I moved my gaze to my right, and he hadn't move his eyes from me for a second. I felt my heart pick up as he flipped his hair out of his eyes.

"What the hell? This is getting way too stereotypical romance novel for my liking." I whispered under my breath as I tried not to look at him.

"Hm?" he asked.

I just looked over at him, expressionless... And maybe a little breathless.

"Hey, Krys, you're in my seat." Maya came up behind him and started tapping on the back of the school owned chair, as if to make him get up faster. He didn't move. He looked at me skeptically for a moment, biting his lip in thought. I couldn't quite pinpoint exactly what his expression was trying to conceal.

"I, uh," He got up and scratched the back of his head. "I'll text you." He smiled. Something felt off though, he seemed like there was still something he wanted to say.

I nodded, sitting up straight. He turned and I watched as he walked out of the cafeteria.

"What was that?" She chuckled.

I smiled, fidgeting with my sleeve, as I watched him walk out. I sighed, as the door shut behind him, and laid my head back down on the cold hard table again.

I sighed, "I have no freaking idea." I said, truthfully.

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