Heated Discussion

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Followed by a confession.

"Come on!  Kade,  what's wrong with a harmless party?  There isn't even going to be that much booze.  What could it even hurt?  Come on.  Please.  Please..  Pleeaasee?"  Maya begged across from me.  We were leaning on either side of my locker waiting for school to start as she tried to coerce me into going to some stupid party at Jessie Ridout's house.  And while he was super hot,  I was always so anxious and skittish around Maya since she and Krys started dating,  and it only got worse as the seconds ticked by.  I sighed.  It would look pretty suspicious if I did not take her up on the invitation.

"Fine.  I'll go.  But I can asure you that I won't be enjoying myself."  I groaned as I realized what I just got myself into.

"Yay!  Okay,  well it's tonight at six.  Pick you up at seven thirty?"  Seriously?  Who picks these friends of mine?  I chuckled to myself.

"The remarkably fabulous Maya,  always has to be fashionably late."  I let out a light laugh.

My smile quckly faltered as I glanced across the hall and noticed Krys.  He was trying to get my attention,  and when he finally got it, he motioned for me to be silent about his presence.  Before I could even question it,  he disappeared around the corner.

"Uhh,  I have to go.  I'll see you at lunch,  okay?"  I said,  distantly,   as I started down the hallway.

"Okay,  Kade,"  She grabbed my arm.  "What the hell?  You've been acting super strange lately.  And you're hardly ever even in the same room as me for more than five minutes.  You know you can tell me anything,  right?  We've always been friends.  No matter what kind of stupid shit you've gotten yourself into.  You know that,  right?  Kadyn?"  


 "Talk to me."  Maya pleaded up at me with soft,  concerned eyes.

"Maya.  Honestly?  I'm fine.  I know I can always talk to you.  But,  there's really nothing there to talk about.  I love you and I'll see you at lunch.  Okay?"  I did not wait for a response.

I took off around the corner and eventually caught up to Krys.  

"I'm going to break up with Maya."  Was all he said.  I felt my heart stop.

"What!"  I asked,  stopping in my tracks.  "No.  You can't do that to her."

His face turned to anger,  "What about what she's doing to you?  Didn't she know that you liked me before she said yes to me?"  He asked.  I could tell he was pissed,  but I knew it had nothing to do with Maya.

"Um.  No?  What is she doing to me?  She never knew I liked you.  Jacey is the only one who has ever known anything about you and I.  And that's hardly anything.  And what about what you did?  You knew I liked you before you asked her out.  And yet you did it anyway!"  I glanced around,  noticing how loud I was speaking.  I gestured for him to continue to walk as we made our way down the hallway,  "Look."  I sighed,  lowering my voice.  "This obviously is not the place or time to talk about this.  Just.  Don't break up with Maya today.  Or even tonight.  Which means you're going to this damn party tonight as well.  And you and I are going to have to break off from the group at some point and talk about this.  To have an actual conversation without being interrupted by something or someone."  

"Ooohh.  I like the sound of that."  he smirked down at me,  sending me a wink,  trying to lighten the mood.

"What?  No."  I smacked him.  "We are only going to talk.  No more--..  Whatever the hell you want to call what we were doing-- until we figure all of this out,  okay?"  He did not respond.  "Krys,  I'm serious."  I stared intently into his brown eyes.  When I slowly started to loose focus of the conversation at hand,  I swiftly looked away,  feeling my cheeks burn.  

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