Truth or Dare

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Next was the panicked fear.

      "Would you turn that crap down?"  I yelled over the roaring stereo playing some stupid rap song.  "I can barely hear myself think back here!"  I added,  muttering under my breath.

  We were all crammed into Maya's tiny Ford Focus on the way to the party.  "We" consisted of; Maya,  Krys,  Jacey,  Jackson,  Tommy,  and myself.  Let's just say none of us were wearing our seat belts.

     "Ohh,  quit your whining,  would ya?"  Maya yelled back,  "We're going to a party,  Kadyn.  That means we're gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.  No worries,  no problems.  Alright?"  She squealed,  turning the stereo up to an impossibly louder level.

     Krys glanced back at me,  apologetically.  I immediately looked away.

      This was going to be a long night.

     "You know.  You can't give me the cold shoulder forever."  Krys whispered in my ear as he helped me out of Maya's car.  "Someone's bound to notice eventually...  In fact.  I'm pretty sure Jacey is giving me the stink I right now."

I glanced over at Jacey and waited for everyone to head for the front door before I spoke.  When they finally did,  I cleared my throat,  "That's because I told her...  And I'm not giving you the cold shoulder.  I just feel so damn guilty,  so cut me a little slack,  okay?"  I barked.

"You..  You told Jacey?"  We began to walk towards the house.

"Look.  I had to tell someone.  It's killing me..  And.  We decided it'd be best if I told Maya tonight..  At the party."  I wouldn't look at Krys,  but I could tell he was gaping at me.  "Don't look at me like that,  you knew it had to be done eventua--"

"Now just hold on a minute.  Didn't you think to consult me before you came up with this brilliant plan?"

"I guess you should have thought about that before you decided to start playing games with me by using my best friend. "  I gritted through my teeth.  

Pushing the door open,  and shoving a smile through my lips.  I made my way straight to the nearest cooler and pulled out a beer.  I popped the top and downed it.  Throwing the can over my shoulder,  I grabbed another,  getting a few hoots and hollers from nearby guys.  I ignored them as I found an empty spot on the couch between two couples getting frisky.  I contemplated sitting there,  but when the chicks started using tongue with each other,  I decided it would be best if I found somewhere else to sit.  I opened my second beer and took a drink as I walked to the stairs.  With the music blaring in my ears,  and the balls from the multiple games of beer pong flying all over the room,  I sat at the foot of the stairs and fought the urge to cry.  

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.  

"You're not allowed to do that.."  Jacey sat down next to me.

"To do what?"  I asked.

"To sit here.  And mope."  She flashed a small smile.  "Come on."  

She stood up and took me by the hand,  "Let's go."  She took me up the stairs and down the hall.  We came to a door with a bunch of papers taped to it,  but it was hard to see what they said in this light.  Maybe one said "keep out,'' But I couldn't tell.  Jacey knocked on the door twice,  and it immediately swung open.

"Look who finally decided to show up for the party!"  Maya squealed as she pulled me into a slightly lit room full of people.  There was Tommy,  Jackson,  a few chicks I didn't really recognize,  then Jessie,  sexy as ever,  a few of his usual posse boys.  Maya sat down on the other side of them,  then it was Krys,  and two empty seats between him and Tommy.  Jacey and I were supposed to complete the circle.  And of course,  she sat by Tommy.  I stood where I was for a moment,  hesitant.  But then,  with a sigh,  I finished my beer and sat between Krys and Jacey. 

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