The Damn Truth

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"I'm fine."  I lied,  wiping the tears away before turning around to see my best friend with pity-filled eyes.

"You know,"  Maya scoffed,  anger taking over her expression.  "I'm getting sick and tired of everyone lying to me.  If you guys would just tell me the damn truth every now and then...  Well.  We wouldn't be here,  now would we?"  She continued to look at me patronizingly,  as she waited for me to speak.

It was quiet for a moment as I watched the people behind Maya. They were in a circle,  laughing and drinking with each other.  

I swallowed hard before I finally spoke.  

"How did you find out?"  I wouldn't look at her.

 "Better question is,  why weren't you the one to tell me?"  Her voice wasn't full of accusation as one might expect.  She was quiet,  curious.

I looked over at her,  shocked by her cordial tone.  "Maya...  I wanted to.  But.  I didn't know what I could have even said.  It's not like something you can just slide into a simple conversation...  And it's not like I meant for it to happen...   I never meant for any of this to happen.."  I felt more tears stream down my face as I spoke.  "Maya...  I am so sorry...  words can't even express..."  I couldn't even finish my sentence because the sobs were so powerful. 

"Kadyn..."  She closed the space between us,  pulling me into a hug.  "Stop,  sweetie.  It's okay.  I'm not mad... "  She paused.  "I just wish you would have told me... "  She pulled back and looked at me.  Brushing my hair out of my face,  and wiping the tears away,  she shot me a small smile.  "I still love you,  Kade.  You're still my best friend.  Okay?"  

I only nodded.

After a moment of purely awkward silence,  I asked,  "How did you find out?  Who told you?"  

I still couldn't quite look at her just yet.

"Nobody had to tell me,  Kade.  I could see it on your face,  on his."  Now she looked away,  "I knew that when you wouldn't talk to me,  something was up.  So.  I started following you.  Well,  that day I finally confronted you in the hall is when I started to.  You went to see Krys...  I dunno,  I guess everything clicked.."

It was quiet for another tedious moment.

"I just can't quite piece a few things into it,"  She spoke softly,  almost distantly.

"Like what?"  I asked.

"Like...  Is he the reason you were so quiet and moody that Monday he asked me out?"

My eyes darted to hers

 "Kadyn,  come on,  the secrets,  the lies,  those are all why we are standing here right now having this conversation,  why won't you just talk to me?  I thought we were friends,"  She turned to walk back into the house when I continued to stay silent.

"Maya,  wait.."  

She turned around and faced me with a hand on her hip.  "I'm listening."

My Best Friend's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now