Hunting Elephants

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I heard my phone go off from the bathroom counter. I got up from my bed and went to retrieve it.

Hey there. It was Krys.

Hi. I replied. Then I threw my phone on the bed. Why did he ask Maya out? I frowned at the thought. Groaning, I threw myself face first into my bed.

"Why do guys have to be so damn confusing?" I moaned to an empty room.

My phone dinged again and I sighed as I reached blindly for it.

What's your deal? Jealous much? ;P He mocked. My mouth dropped.

Am Not! Shut up. I'm just not in the mood, Krys. Alright? God, did he know how to push my freaking buttons.

Yeah. That's code for green. You know, green means JEALOUS. ;) It's okay to be jelly. Natural human feelings. Who did he think he was? He knows I'd never admit it..

Wait a minute.

Do you want me to be jealous? Is that what your intentions were? Wow. And here I was thinking highly of such a person. Whoops. My bad. I crossed my arms as I waited for his reply.

Now now miss sour puss, the world does not revolve around you. What makes you think I want you to be jealous? Ha, I could have you in a minute if I wanted you, and you know it. My mouth dropped even further this time, but I couldn't help the small smile that spread through my lips.

That doesn't have anything to do with making me jealous! So that just proves you were. I felt confidence well up in me.. Then I remembered, they were going out tonight. The confidence faded.

If you say so cutey mcbooty. :3 What the hell?

I giggled at the ridiculous message. Who says that? Then my giggles turned into laughs. Then I was uncontrollably screeching like a hyena.

What was wrong with me?

After I regained my posture I responded with, I just want you to know, you have issues, hahaa.

What was up with him? Calling me cute names, texting me back faster than usual? My phone dinged again, but I just left it as I sat in thought, trying to figure out this boy's angle.

* * * * *

"But you don't get it," I groaned to Jacey as we walked down the street. I opened my water and took another swig. "He's just so damn cute.. And funny.. And amazing..." I looked down. "I've never felt this way before, Jacey. He gets my heart racing, and the whole world just kind of stops." I smiled. "He makes me feel whole." I met her eyes, and my smile disappeared. "I'm losing my ever-loving mind."

She sighed, "Look, we'll just go get something to eat, try and get your mind off of him, okay?" She giggled.

"You think this is funny??" I groaned loudly as I walked through the door of the restaurant.

"Nope.. Not at all.." She was still giggling. I glared at her as the hostess showed us to our table.

She sat down with a huge 'you know you love me' smile. I sat down in the booth across the table from her. I laid my face on the tabletop.

"Can I start you ladies off with some drinks?" I heard the hostess asked.

"Two cokes, please." Jacey answered for me.

I looked up and watched as a single mom and three little boys walk in. She looked frustrated, and tired. My heart went out to the poor lady. Then my eyes fell on a young couple, and I thought I might fall out of the booth. I guess Jacey noticed my scattered expression, because she turned to see where my eyes were.

"Oh shit. Kadyn. Breathe."

"Kay! Jacey! What are you two doing here?" Maya asked, with a bright smile.

My eyes were drawn to their entwined hands, and my stomach dropped.

"Oh, ya know... Just elephant hunting." Jacey rolled her eyes. Jacey and Maya never exactly got along too well.

"Mind if we join ya?" She asked, sliding in the seat next to Jacey and gesturing for Krys to slide in next to me.

"Yeah, mind?" Krys said with a smirk. I wasn't looking at either of them.

"No, Maya. I don't guess we do." Jacey mocked a delighted look.

Krys was sitting a bit closer than he could have been. Though, I couldn't really say that I minded too much. Occasionally his arm would brush mine when he laughed, sending an electric shock up my arm.

The server brought us our food, and Maya was going off to Krys about how she absolutely hated the new coach in football. If you looked at Maya, you'd know she wasn't in football. Nope. She's just a manager, which only gave them all the more time together.

But I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was more preoccupied by the fact that Krys was drawing circles on my knee with his fingers. Every time he looked over at me, I just shot him a confused look, and he'd just wink at me.

Like, what the hell?

"Kadyn," Maya's voice made me jump, and knock his hand away. I looked over at her.

"Why are you so quiet? You usually have an input on everything, are you okay?"

"What?" My voice broke and I cleared my throat. "No I'm fine." I added, stirring my coke with my straw and faked a smile.


"Oh my God, Maya, I just love your shoes! Where did you get them?" Jacey asked with fake enthusiasm.

I let out a breath of relief and shot her a thank you look.

I risked a glance at Krys, and instantly regretted it. The asshole was smirking down at me. I returned with a glare and slouched down in the booth. We were all done eating, why the hell do we still have to sit here? I griped internally. I really wanted to leave, like, now.

"Something wrong?" Krys leaned down and whispered in my ear.

I tensed and sat up immediately "Jace, don't you have that, um, thing?" I asked, God did I hope she could come up with something.

"Thing?" Maya asked, confused.

"Yeah, I, um, I have a job interview in, like, five minutes. We'll catch you guys later, okay?" Thank God.

Maya was the only one who stood though. "Well, I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back, Krys. Alright?" He only nodded at her. And when she made her way around the corner he turned to me.

"Job interview? Real-"

"Okay, what the hell is your problem?" It was Jacey, but she echoed my exact thoughts. He looked just as startled as I did. It almost looked as if he forgot she was even still here.

"That's a question we'd both like to hear the answer to." I added.

"What do you mean by problem? I was just having a little fun, calm down."

"A little fun?? I swear-!" Jacey grabbed him by the arm and pulled him around the corner. I could still see them, but I had no idea what she was saying to him. But she was definitely holding an accusing stance.

I waited a moment until she finally finished, and Krys looked like he'd seen a ghost. Jacey walked over to me and reached for my arm, "Let's go."

"Jacey," she pulled me out of the booth and towards the door, "What did you say to him?" I asked as I was looking at him over my shoulder. His expression almost concealed regret as he stood near the bathrooms. His hands were in his pockets as he tried to grab my attention with his eyes, but Jacey was pulling me out the door too quickly.

"Doesn't matter, come on."

My Best Friend's Boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن