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In a perfect world, there would be no questions. There would be no worries, concerning thoughts or anxiety attacks from the anticipation of the unknown. But, then again, if there were no questions, there wouldn't be any answers, and without answers, life would hardly be perfect. So, we go through life with worries, concerns, and anxiety.

Just like that following Wednesday. I had just gotten home, and settled into the couch. My mom was out, supposedly at her mother's, but I knew better. Krys wasn't at school that day, but I still couldn't seem to get him out of my head. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly his intentions were, was he just trying to play me like every other guy? Or was he actually kind of interested in me? I didn't have the slightest clue. But, I did know, that dwelling on it wasn't going to answer any of my unending questions.

I had just turned on Gossip Girl, a guilty pleasure of mine, when I heard my phone ring, and with a sigh, I got up and went to the counter. It rang twice, and I saw Krys' name before the screen went black. My heart picked up a bit before I even registered that he had called and hung up. I felt a smile spread across my face. I stared down at me phone, and a moment later, his number read across my screen again. I hit the accept button.


"Uh -- hey."

I chuckled at his awkwardness.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"Well, the plan is to see you. Where are you?" He asked. There was that familiar cockiness.

"Um..." I looked around, as if I didn't know where I was. "Home?"

"Where do you live?"

I gave him my address and we hung up.

My smile widened, but quickly faltered as I looked down at what I was wearing. This consisted of a pair of grey leggings and a sports bra. I ran upstairs and started to look through my closet. I was at a loss; I had no idea what to wear.

Before I even finished throwing on a new layer of eyeliner, I heard the doorbell.

"Fuck." I mumbled.

I finished my eyeliner and shuffled down the stairs. I hesitated at the doorknob, and with a sigh, I opened the door.

He was standing there, his hands in his pockets and that crooked little smirk. "Hey."

"Hey." I blushed.

"You gonna invite me in, or you just gonna stand there and stare at me?"

I rolled my eyes, and opened the door wider.

"You listen to a wide variety of music." He almost sounded amazed.

"Yeah?" I pulled the pizza rolls out of the freezer and spread them out onto a baking sheet.

"Uh, yeah. A Day to Remember, Michael Jackson, G-Eazy, J Cole, Of Mice and Men. You even have Fleetwood Mac!" I watched as he pulled out a CD, though I was too far away to see what it was.

"I pretty much listen to everything. Don't shoot me when you find some Nickelback and Luke Bryan in there." I chuckled.

He put the CD in my stereo and pressed play, as I set the oven to preheat.

"Nickelback, huh?" He gave me a disgusted look.

"That's the one you were surprised about? Not the country?" I chuckled, and sat down in the bar stool at the counter.

My Best Friend's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now