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"Tommy!" I groaned, "Stop it! You are literally going to kill me!" I managed between breaths. I could not stop laughing for anything, and it was all his fault, my ribs began to sting in delighted pain.

"What, why?" his eyes widened as he pretended to freak out. "Kadyn, OMG are you, like, okay?" He mocked an over-dramatic teen-aged-girl voice, only making me laugh even harder.

"Would you QUIT!!" I barely managed. "Seriously, Tommy I can't breathe!" I whined pathetically.

"That's what she said," I heard Jackson snicker from behind me. I shot him a playful glare over my shoulder.

"You guys are idiots," I said chuckling.

I knew they were just trying to make me feel better, and it was working.. Well, to some extent. Even though they were Krys's closest friends, I still felt like I could tell them everything. So, since I couldn't tell my best friend, I told them. They know about the stupid idiotic thing Krys did to me, and it didn't really surprise them. It took about an hour of begging them to keep them from talking to Krys about it, though.

It was inevitable, the more they tried to make me forget about what he did, the more I end up thinking about it in the long run...

"Oh, Come on! We are super smart! Ask me a question!! Any question!!" Tommy begged.

"Would you three keep it down, over there!" Mrs. Taylor yelled from behind her desk, "If I have to tell you three again," she huffed, "I'll have no choice but to send you out! Now quit disturbing the class and get back to work!" We heard the old bat grumble something else under her breath as we snickered silently to ourselves.

I could not control the level of loudness my laughter grew to as Tommy mocked an innocent child's face as he pretended to be consumed into his text book. "But I am working," he whisper whimpered.

Mrs. Taylor stood up behind her desk, red in the face. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly snapped it shut hearing the bell. She plopped back down, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips as she turned back to her computer that was almost as old as she was.

Jackson, Tommy and I popped up and out of the room before the bell even finished ringing, laughing our asses off running down the hallway.

"Oh my gosh, that was great," I said, between breaths, as we walked through the doors of the main building.

"That is also what she said," the guys blurted at the same time.

I smacked them both, laughing even harder. "You guys are so dumb!" I yelled as we walked down the hall to the English hallway.

"You know you love us!" Tommy said.

"Do I have a choice? " I laughed, jokingly.

"Hey!" Jackson cried out in mock pain. "Just because our ass hole of a friend is an idiot, doesn't mean we're bad people." All traces of his humor faded throughout his statement.

My face dropped as I watched our feet.

"Hey, come on." Tommy put his arm around my shoulders, "He'll come to his senses eventually. You're way cooler than that Maya chick, anyway."

"You know," I gently pushed his arm off, "First of all. That's still my best friend you're talking about. And second? I don't even care." I tried to produce a smile, but they both saw right through it.

My Best Friend's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now